I feel like we're at that point where we need to enjoy things like it's the last time, just in case, so that's what I'm doing with my garden. Spending time in it. Spending time working in it. Watching the plants come up for no other reason than it's spring and they have to. Trying to remember what I planted and where without the map. Knowing I need to pull out the map and keep it updated with things I already put in this year.
Pink Witch Hazel. I don't remember this plant blooming this early in the year. Several things feel like they're blooming a little off cycle. But, I'm certainly enjoying it. This used to be 8 feet tall, but then it just died for no reason I could figure out and came back from a branch nearer the ground. Again, not minding that. I guess sometimes everyone needs a fresh start.
I took myself shopping one day and stopped by Lowe's and found some poppies on half price. They were so sad, but I found two that still had several flower stalks on them. They had too much soil in the pots, so when the store watered them, the water ran off. The young woman that checked me out asked if they were on half price and said they should be. I told her I'd bring them home and sing them a little song and they've be fine. And, they are. I've never had luck with poppies. They say full sun, but they can't seem to handle that much, so I've put them in a mostly sun spot. We'll see how they do.
The spirea is in bloom. This one came from my Aunt Jane's yard and has been here for almost 25 years. When it's not in bloom, it's a green ball, but the weight of the flowers bends the branches and I never know what the shape will be. I remember my Grandmother cutting these and putting them in a vase of water with a little bluing in it (if you don't know what bluing is, ask you mom) and I'd spend the whole day watching the flowers change color.
The citrus trees are in bloom and the butterflies are loving them.
We had people over weekend before last and they brought us flowers. I have really enjoyed watching these huge lilies bloom. There were several unopened in the bouquet and they've all opened to be about 7 inches in diameter. This arrangement is about 10 days old and still going strong.
Okay, I splurged and bought this peacock fern off the half price rack. It was yellow on the outside, but there was a ton of healthy green growth underneath. It didn't have a plant tag, so has taken me a couple days to figure out what kind of fern it is and how to care for it. Now I know that the yellowing is from overwatering. And, I can see why. It was the opposite of those poppies and the soil was soggy. This is from the day I bought it and it already looks better. I'll keep trying to dry it out and I'm looking for the perfect bowl to put it in. (Okay, maybe looking for a bowl is a little premature and I should see if it lives first.)
Most days, I feel like Dottie and just can't be bothered. She goes to the vet for her one year checkup today. She's the only pet I ever had the enjoys going to the vet's office. We'll see if she changes her mind after today.
Quick update on the double wedding ring quilt. There's lots of pinning to make these. Last week, I pinned during a couple of meetings I needed to listen to, but not be seen. Then, I sewed for 45 minutes and ironed for 45 minutes and then sat down for more pinning. I pin until I run out of pins (I have a lot of pins). And, I'm making progress. I need about 97 of these and have made about 60. I meant to name this post 'just keep pinning, just keep pinning...'
Just noticed this pic isn't very flattering. I promise the seam lines are nice curves...the distortion is because of the way they're stacked.
Bernie and AOC out there kicking ass and kissing babies. Every day, I pray for their safety. Even surrounded by armed protectors, there's got to be a level of fear involved in getting out there and speaking truth to power.
Everybody have a great week! I hope you're able to find some peace and a way to relax. Something that reminds you of what normal used to be and makes your heart rate slow down and your jaw relax.