We've got more holiday traditions than squirrel's got nuts stored in my flowerpots for winter. What we do, when we do it, what we watch on TV, all of that is steeped in traditions. It started the day before Thanksgiving, when I took the day off and cooked all day, then the big meal, and soon as the dishes are all put away, the Christmas decorations come out and we're off and running for three days of Christmas magic everywhere.
Thanksgiving was nice. It's always best when everything comes out hot at the same time. Syd and her bf got here early enough for a good visit and a walk around the yard. There was a good spread with stuffing, roasted potatoes, green bean casserole, salad, corn casserole, turkey, carrots, homemade rolls and there was a pumpkin pie for dessert with coffee. We laughed and ate and laughed some more and when they left, Rob and I both took naps.
On Friday, after I'd finished putting everything away, we started on the LiBien tree. The ornaments are in order, oldest to newest, starting at the top. We have a lot of these ornaments. So many that Rob had to use electrical tape to create additional hanging places in the middle of the tree. We must learn restraint! (hahahahahahahaha!!)
On Saturday, it was the swag. Every year, I say I'm not doing it again until I work up the courage to say it to Rob. He gives me puppy dog eyes and reminds me how much he loves it...'but we don't have to do it if it's too much trouble' and up that ladder I go. He definitely has my number. While I did this, he assembled the tree.
And, yesterday, I decorated the tree. We own too many ornaments. I should have counted as I put them on. There are ornaments my parents gave me, vintage ornaments we've collected, and ornaments we got from Linda. There's everything and the kitchen sink.
And, that's just the things I did. I'll show the decorations Rob put up next week.
We bought Bella a bed a couple weeks ago. She's never had a bed before and has slept on the furniture, climbing to the highest level she could hoist herself to. She's gotten older, and climbing on things has become more problematic. She comes in and sleeps in her bed in the night and she goes there during the day when she's bored by whatever we're doing. She looks so sweet in it, but I confess that I miss having her with me all the time. I think we're going to get her another one for our bedroom so she can sleep nearer us.

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving, surrounded by plenty of love and abundance because that's what it's really all about. Being with true friends and family and being happy. Celebrating who we all are, together. Finding people we can be ourselves with and celebrating the things we have in common. Building one another up and celebrating the lives we've created for ourselves. I hope your holidays bring you all of that and more.