
Just keep going

There's a song about going through hell and how you have to just keep going and you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.  That's what this week has been like for me.  I've been under tremendous pressure at work and I let my stupid mouth think it knew how to handle it.  And, while I didn't offend or hurt anyone, I still did something impulsive and stupid and embarrassing and in front of all my peers. 

And, I can't quite let myself off the hook for embarrassing me.  I really am getting better and better about that all the time.  But, sometimes, I still have to hurry though hell, hoping I get to the other side quickly. 

I'm so glad I've made sure Sydney knows she doesn't have to be perfect every single time.  She sails through life's little mistakes like they were nothing.  Makes me a little jealous.

I walk through the garden a lot because I can look down and think, I did that.  I put that there, and I helped it grow.  And, I was the one to look down and appreciate the flowers.  And, if I can appreciate that little coreopsis, then maybe I can appreciate me when I struggle to be my best me.

I got this top together and got all the basting stitches picked out last night.  Now I need to decide what to do with it.  It might need a pink border.  I'm torn between wanting to see if I can make it into something more than it is, or just let it be and move onto something else.

But, if you know me, then you know I'll probably get up and look for a pink fabric soon as I hit the publish button.
I'm going to close with a little humor because that's part of looking on the bright side. 

Everybody have a great Friday!  One more day and the week is over.  And, hopefully, a bit of hard work around here will leave me feeling just a little bit better about embarrassing myself...again.

Enjoy your weekend!  And, if you get a chance, tell someone you're close to that it's all going to be okay.  You never know who needs to hear it or when.




Vesuviusmama said...

Lane, certainly you have so much goodwill and positivity and "doing the right thing-ness" built up that whatever your gaffe earlier this week, it is likely minuscule in the grand scheme of things. Give yourself permission to be human. You are an inspiration to so many, me included.

(and yeah, I think there is no way you leave that quilt as is. I look forward to seeing what pink you add as a border. )


I think I know how you are feeling--
I seem to have that same affliction--but it seems to happen to me every time I open my mouth--I mean to say only good things to make people happy, smile, or laugh--but instead-- I come home thinking and knowing that what I said was stupid thoughtless--whatever!!! good thing we have those who love us even when we slip up-- and our quilting and other hobbies!!!

bets said...

Have a super weekend, Lane! I checked the blog this morning, because I always know there is a world of positivity here! Thank you!!

Dot said...

You know Lane, it's all going to be okay.

I'm sorry about Thursday's bump in the road. My takeaway is your really good example of dealing with it.

Giving Sydney credit for her coping skills is icing on the cake. The three of you are the nicest kind of family.

That pink quilt is stunning.

Anonymous said...

Good morning! Here is some unsolicited advice. You've embarassed yourself. We've all been there. It's human. It's natural. It happens. Don't be so hard on yourself. Make a joke of it, if you can. You have a great sense of humor. You're a perfectionist, so try to fix the issue. If it was someone, then apologize , then simply move on. Put it in the past. Go looking for the pink fabric and everything WILL be okay. Have a great weekend. Mary