
Rent and return

Sometimes it feels like we go to Goodwill, find something wonderful, buy it for a couple dollars, enjoy it a couple years, then send it back.  It's like our own rent and return policy.  Because I didn't pay a fortune for it, I don't mind seeing it go. 

I took Thursday and Friday off last week for a little decompression.  It didn't work out well because I was so stressed yesterday by people not doing their part in storm watching and reacting for the company that I was a wreck by the end of the day.  And, I'm pretty sure that's why I didn't sleep well last night. 

But, on Thursday and Friday, I was going through my stuff, culling out the things that needed to be returned to Goodwill.  And, a whole bunch of new stuff that needed to go to Goodwill.  And, an even bigger bunch of stuff that needed to go into the trash.  I think that was our fifth truck load of stuff to Goodwill this summer.  It's starting to feel really good and there's room to move around now.  And, I'm working on that "a place for everything and everything in its place." (but I have a long way to go yet.)  Mostly the garage is Rob's space and has all his woodworking tools but I've cleaned up my corner, where my cutting table and ironing board and sewing machine repair station are, which freed space for other things that needed to be stored out there. 

On Saturday, we cleaned carpets.  That was a lot of work, but it needed to be done.  Like I said last week, we are catching up on several weeks of special projects.  Carpet cleaning was just another of those.  Sunday was our regular chores, which should have left Monday to rest and relax...except Mother Nature (and some inconsiderate co-workers) had a different plan for me. 

But, amongst all that, I did find a little time to quilt.  I got the center of the garden quilt finished. 

I took Rebecca Grace's suggestion and instead of filling in empty space with a full frond, which ended up standing out more than I wanted it too and looked a little like I'd been diddling to fill space,  I added individual leaves to fill some of those spaces.  Sometimes, it would be a space for one or two or maybe four, but it filled the space without standing out.  Now, I'm trying to figure out exactly how to fill that outer border, but so far, none of my ideas have appealed to me.  It's time to sit with paper and pencil and see what I can draw, because if I can draw it, I can quilt it.  For the most part anyway.

Yesterday, I was able to devote some time to relabeling my quilts for the show this year.  I've renamed a couple of quilts with simpler names, and that meant replacing the labels and the third quilt hasn't gotten a label yet.  The show is end of this month.  I got the label for one quilt made and partially sewn on...so I've still got a long way to go because every quilt needs a label, and they'll need to be dropped off in bags, each of which will also have to have a label.  But, the bag labels are much more simple than the quilt labels which are designed to impress.  Pictures of that later. 

I was amazed while cleaning to discover how many pair of scissors I owned.  I ended up donating some to Goodwill.  They were everywhere, clearly placed so that no matter where I was sewing, I'd have a pair within arms reach.  Another thing that surprised me was sewing machine screwdrivers.  You know the ones, the larger one and the smaller.  And, even placing a pair with every sewing machine I own, I still have a pile of screwdrivers sitting here next to me.  Like coat hangers, they must reproduce in the dark.

That's enough rambling for me.  I think my brain is asleep and only giving me short bursts of idea, without any substance behind them to really write about. 

I'm tired.

Everybody have a great Tuesday.  If it's the first day of your work week, I hope it starts well.  And, if your work week is already in progress, then I hope it's going swimmingly.  I may go take a short nap now that Rob has left for work.



jane said...

I like it when you ramble. I learn so much more. I am in a clean up mode too, but my husband and daughter won't get out of the way and let me do it. My stop at Goodwill mean I brought something home for my collection. Maybe someday ....

Dot said...

If I'd been through the upheaval you've lived through - Linda's death, the hurricane affecting your work - I'd be tired too. And yet, you've still done some wonderful quilting on a already lovely top. It is a treat to watch it come to life.

Anonymous said...

My, My, how you do get things done. Where did you get all that organization!!! Love what you are doing with the quilt, but I love what you do with all of them. Don't know a thing about the fern "leaves", but they really look nice. lum