
All by myself

 Well, not exactly.  The dogs are here.  Rob's gone to visit his Mom.  He drove up yesterday and will come home on Friday.  We were worried that Dottie might panic and spend the whole time searching for him, but she's doing fine.  She wanted to sleep on his pillows last night and I knew better than to let that happen.  

I forgot to take pics of the baby quilt after it was laundered, but it came out great!  We got it shipped and it should get there tomorrow.  I talked to my niece and the doctor had told her "any day now."  

Our weather is cooler now, and yesterday I was able to spend some quality time in the garden, cleaning up so I could get the cuttings to the curb for this morning's pickup.  I took a few days off this week too and plan to spend them moving daylilies and iris and potting up some things to give away.  I have a couple of plants that need to go in the ground and plans for where to put them, I just need the time and the cooler weather to get it done.  

We got new phones last week.  That's always an adventure.  First, Rob has to help me get set up and then he has to help Syd.  This time, Syd's phone was the problem, but it meant we got to spend time with her Friday night and then again on Saturday.  I think we all enjoyed it.  

I'd show you things, but I didn't take any pictures last week.  Not one.  Even though nothing happened, there was something going on all the time and none of it was photo worthy.  Life is passing so fast.  They say that happens as we get older.  

Watching trump and vance is like watching monkeys throw shit at a window for attention.  Goodness gracious, what people will believe is amazing.  

Everybody have a great week!  Have you made your voting plan?  Early voting starts this week here and I plan to spend part of one of those days off waiting in line.  



Anonymous said...

Have a good week. Thanks for sharing. Mary

cbott said...

Going to the polls tomorrow. I'm hoping the results of this election will be so annoying to enough people that the electoral college will finally be dispensed with and we can finally all live in a "Swing State".


Anonymous said...

j passed a church and they had a message for prayer requests and their phone number. I was thinking about calling for my candidate to win, but then thought against it. But it something to think about Thanks for all that you share.