
Can he bake a cherry pie

Robby boy, Robby boy.  Can he bake a cherry pie, darling Robby?  

Yes, I "can".   I think this is my first cherry pie.  As we stood in the grocery, looking at the cans of pie filling, I asked Rob what he'd like and he chose cherry.  I am not ashamed to use canned pie filling.  I add a little cinnamon and a dash of nutmeg to canned apple pie filling all the time and it makes as good a pie as I can from scratch.  I thought cherry pie was tart and sour, but this isn't.  I used a pillsbury all-ready pie crust with a crumb topping I whipped up from memory, and it was easy enough that we should be having pie more often.  One can of filling makes a small pie, perfect for two people who don't need to be eating pie every night.  

I thought I'd be showing you a finished and laundered baby quilt today, but I'm not.  I got the binding sewn down last week, but having the quilt in my lap and being that close to it made me notice a flaw.  Around some of the flower petals, I didn't get close enough to the edge when I was machine appliquéing it down.  The edges didn't lay flat on the background and cast a shadow, and more importantly, they were susceptible to anything getting under them and ripping them off.  So, I'm going around those pieces and hand sewing them down.  And, when I said some of the petals, I really meant most of the petals.  The flower centers and leaves are okay.  I must have been paying closer attention when I was sewing them.  Anyway, I spent most of Saturday and half of Sunday with it in my lap, doing hand appliqué on a quilt I decided to machine appliqué because it was quicker and more convenient.  

You'd think I'd learn my lesson about quicker and more convenient.  It's like the short line at the bureau of motor vehicles.  You see a short line and you think 'why am I waiting behind all these people?' so you get in the short line and when you get to the window, you find out it's only for farm vehicles and you have to get in the back of the long line and wait again.  (this joke stolen from a comedian in the 80's.  I have used it hundreds of times since, to illustrate the futility of shortcuts.  And yes, I get the irony of telling this after my canned pie filing story)

Anyway, I have a couple petals left on a small flower and a couple petals on the large center flower and then I'll be done...for real.  I think some of this is a hesitation to finish.  I've enjoyed this little quilt and I guess I'm not quite ready for it to be done and gone.  That's a good sign, I think.  It generally means it's a good quilt.  But, I'm not sure I could define what makes a "good quilt" other than one where most everything goes right.  

Dottie, waiting for her #1 person.  I am at best a distant #2.  He was out front, visiting with the neighbors and she stood at the door with her nose at the crack, apparently hoping to get just a whiff of his scent.  She stood there for a long time and even when I called her name, the most I could get was a quick head toss and then that nose was back in the crack.  Finally, she walked over to the edge of the carpet and laid down to wait for him.  I have never seen a dog get so excited about a person coming home.  And, then look over her shoulder at me, like 'oh, you're still here?' after spending the whole day with me.  

She's getting to sleep with the humans now.  She was waking us (mostly Rob) every morning at 1:30 to go out and then she would get to sleep in the big bed.  I suggested that we might get a full night's sleep if she just started in the big bed and I was right.  That whole 1:30 thing was about getting out of the crate and cuddling with #1, not about having to go outside.  

My doctor started me on a new med.  I've been struggling since my Mom passed and the struggle wasn't getting any easier, so I asked for some help.  It's not the first time.  I ended up taking Monday off and slept most of the day.  On Tuesday, I fell asleep at my desk while reading the most boring document ever written and only woke when my elbow slipped off the keyboard tray.  By Wednesday, I was doing better and now I'm feeling normal again.  It's okay to ask for help.  We don't have to do it all alone.  You won't find a bigger believer in stoicism and pulling myself up by my own bootstraps than me.  I preach it and I practice it, too.  But, that's not always enough.  

Everybody have a great week!  Do something you love, love something you do, or just sit and watch the seasons change out the window.  

Is everything djt says anymore a lie?  I read an article this morning that the reason for the escallation in lies is so he can tell an even bigger lie later.  It was an idea coined by Hitler in Mein Kampf.   We all know what the bigger lie will be and when it will be told.  The waiting is so stressful.  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cherry pie looks perfect. Thanks for reminding us it’s ok to ask for help. We needed that. Thanks for sharing. Mary