Okay, back to the topic at hand. This was my first wallhanging and my first kit quilt. I made it for Rob's birthday in 2006. The kit was called Hip to be Square and it came from Keepsake quilting. It's all batiks and in the original design, there were all these 6" log cabin blocks that had just one round around the center block, alternating with 6" plain squares. While it was in the design phase, we decided not to use the plain squares and make the log cabin blocks for the whole quilt. It made it very busy, but we love it. I especially love the colors, the purples and the greens, with just a bit of pink, gray and black. It's quilted just in the ditch and in all the years that it has hung in the living room, I've never gotten around to adding the label. But, I know exactly where the label is. Just never got it sewn down.

And, finally, I want to plug someone else's blog. Leah is doing some fabulous things with free motion filler quilting. This is exactly the kind of quilting I want to do. She's set herself the challenge of coming up with a new free motion filler pattern every day for a year. That's really ambitious and I'm in awe of the 35 she's come up with so far. She provides a video to go along with the pattern and instructions. I'm planning on using at least two of these in the quilt I'm quilting right now. If you love to look at beautiful quilting as much as I do, check out her blog. I'm certainly going to keep an eye on her. http://freemotionquilting.blogspot.com
Y'all have a great Friday and enjoy the weekend. We'll see ya' round blogland! Lane
Oh Lane this is beautiful. Wow. I want to make one just like it. The colours are the best there can be. Beautiful.
Have a nice weekend.
Beautiful quilt Lane. And yes I have been following the freemotion quilt blog too. Good stuff but I am not very confident in my ability but practice practice and then I will get the confidence I hope.
I love the quilt, the colors are just beautiful. Thanks for sharing the info on Leah's blog. I had not seen it, but I will definately be following it in the future. It is making me want to try harder to learn to FMQ. That Halloween quilt is starting to call on me to get it done. I really want to try to do something other than stippling. I think I can handle some leaves and vines... Karen
Great wallhanging Lane. I too love the colours. Thanks so much for the link to Leah's blog! I love FMQ but aside from stippling I'm not good at it. Need practice.
What an auspicious start to a fantastic quilting career. Wait a minute! Does that mean you've only been quilting for 3 years?
I clicked on the link and WOW! That woman is Talented (yes, with a capital T!). That duchess quilt took my breath away. Thanks for sharing.
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