But, I didn't.
I also did my good deed. I flew from Denver to Cleveland next to two girls, one about 10 and the other about 12. Very, very polite young ladies and I was sure to compliment them on it. I also swiped my credit card so they could watch animal planet all the way, but they had to share a pair of earbuds. And, I sat next to them and sewed dresden plate blocks. In peace and quiet. But, their Mama packed them really good looking sandwiches and I almost bargained for one.
By the time I got to Cleveland, my meds were wearing off and all the meds I've been taking for this croup or crud or whatever I'm still fighting off were wearing off, plus they're having an adverse action in my gut. And, I hadn't eaten since breakfast. I smelled Cinnabon. Did you know that if you want an unfrosted cinnamon roll from them, they won't sell it? What's up with that? There was a girl standing there frosting hot cinnamon rolls and I wanted one that she hadn't frosted yet because my stomach didn't feel real good. No. So, I picked one from the display case and knowing that I didn't want all the sugary stuff, she filled that box with extra sugar frosting. I should have turned it down and walked away, but instead, I smiled and said thanks.
When I got here, I drove straight to Mentor, OH to go to Quilts and Sew Forth. Last time I was there, they had a whole room of batiks and hand dyes. I should have called first because they are not where they were or are out of business. Sad. But, there was another shop that I didn't go to last time that is nearer the office here, so I decided to try that. I did call them first and they were still there and they were the nicest couple. So, if you're ever in the NE Cleveland area, I strongly suggest that you go to Mara's Fabric and Gifts in Eastlake, OH. It was a little hard to find, squeezed in between two small stores in a small strip center and their sign is pretty small, but I did find them. We chatted a bit and I told where I am from and like everyone that cuts fabrics for me, they wanted to hear about my project, so I told them about the Jubilee project and that I wanted to pick up fabrics for the quilt in any city I was in this year. And, I found these five beautiful batiks in shades I don't have.

They also have an online shop at http://www.marasfabricandgifts.com/. I haven't been there yet, but if it's anything like the actual shop, it will be jam-packed with beautiful fabrics.
After that, it was off to dinner with some co-workers, where I worked the room like a revival preacher, talking to and meeting everyone. I was definitely on top of my game. Dinner was awful and I sent my plate back after eating just the steamed zucchini and a few bites of potatles and two small pieces of the terrible chicken. The waiter spent the rest of the evening chasing me around, trying to get me to take a sandwich or something else "on the house", but I was off food by then.
Then, it was back to the hotel and I crashed and slept all night. I woke once, in a full sweat, so hopefully, that is more evidence of my body fighting off the last remains of this little gift that Sydney gave me from school.
Rob says Mable is more relaxed and is acting more like the puppy she is. She and Bella are playing more and unless Sydney gets in the middle of it, they get along great. I think Bella will always be jealous and aggressive when Sydney is around. I know she'll snap at me if I raise my voice or shake my finger at Sydney and we've all gotten used to that. It's part of who she was when she came to us.
Okay, that's it for me. A quick post on the Jubilee blog and then it's off to the shower and getting ready for the day. yeah. All day meetings and then the standard "team builder" dinner, which for my work group always involves competition. What is it about these folks that they can't get in the same room without competing about something. To me, it's the antithesis of "team building". But, they like it. And, if I don't, I have my own car.
Have a great...what day is today? Wednesday, I think? Anyway, it's a day that doesn't really exist, right? Leap day? So, if I'd been born on leap day, does that mean I'd only be twelve and a half years old, instead of 50?
Enjoyable post to read....hope you are feeling better soon.
Sorry your not feeling 100%, hope you are on the mend and well soon.
Would you really want to be 12 1/2 years old?
Love the fabrics you picked up for you quilt.
An enjoyable read Lane, I hope you are fully recovered soon. here in England there are ladies proposing marriage to men due to the leap year!
Hi Lane: Glad you're feeling better. I took the liberty of looking up the info for your missing quilt shop~~7406 Center Street, Mentor, OH 44060, (440) 266-1601. All is not lost!
Drink water plentifully. I hope you are well soon. We have SUN today in IN.~
Hello again Lane! So sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well. I love that you set your young seat mates up with movies so that you could do some hand work! If you are ever in the D.C. area, please let me know. I would love to actually "meet" you! Big will be doing a lot of traveling with her new job and I hope to go with her to many places, so I appreciate your finding good quilt shops! Hope you get better soon!
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