I made Barbara Brackman's first block of the Westering Women quilt...I'm calling it Go West! (great, now I'll be humming The Village People all day)
Hard block to photograph. Even as well pressed as it is, it kind of wants to rise up around the edges.
I got the quilting back in the corner of the Dresden Plate quilt. This is hard quilting...straight lines...what was I thinking? If you look real close, you'll see that one pair of those lines doesn't match to it's companions on the other side of the sashing. That'll have to be corrected.
Oh, well. Life goes on. And, I just got three tubes of my favorite hand quilting needles. I couldn't remember where I got the first tube. I suspected a quilt show. But, when I ordered silk thread for the black and white quilt, I realized my preferred vendor for silk cones, Rose Rushbrooke (I am not being compensated for this) carries them. She sells the large cones of silk thread and Jeana Kimball's Foxglove Cottage needles and lots of other very nice things. You can also see her quilts. Lots of wonderful art quilts.
And, I made more progress on the double wedding ring.

Moving right along. For me, Double wedding ring has been the hallmark pattern. The one I always wanted to make but was always afraid to try. And, now I'm making it. And, I'm loving it! Rob suggested I go for 16 blocks so we can hang it on the wall. But, I still want 36 blocks so it will fit on our bed. We will see. I've stopped making arcs because I have enough made for the 16 blocks. And, I'm thinking, trying to decide. Wall. Bed. Wall. Bed. If we go with wall, I'm gonna have a boatload of olive green fabric left over.
I thought I'd show this. If you're careful, this is all the scrap that's left from cutting a dozen of the large green pieces and as many melons as I could fit in the negative space. I've been very inventive in how I'm cutting those pieces and will likely take some pics to share.
I've decided double wedding ring is really easy, even if it is kind of slow. But, it's only easy if I use all the tips I learned from Sally Collins class. I premark all my intersection points with pencil and pin them together so I know they will match when I sew them in. That little bit of prework, and a boatload of pins makes the sewing really the easy part. So, I take it to the sofa and do and the pinning in comfort.
Everybody have a great Tuesday.
The Dresden is going to be stunning!!! Probably a winner...at least it is a winner in my book!
I love your color choices for the DWR....but of course I would!!!
There is still bits and blobs of snow left over from our 2 foot snow a couple of weeks back, but at least we have 90% or more green, or rather, brown.
Love you!
Love the colors in the DWR. And yay! You decided to do Barbara Brackman's BOM - me, too, thanks to your previous post. One block down, excited to do the rest.
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