
Gonna make a quilt.

Or is it maybe 'Gonna make a quilt?'  Or 'Gonna make a quilt!!'  

Either way, a bed-sized quilt.  Yes, there is one that is 90% quilted hanging on the back of my sewing chair, but that's neither here nor there.  Apparently.  

For some reason, there's no label on the back of this quilt, but I believe it was made for our 15th anniversary.  It was a quilt before its time.  I got asked so many questions.  Green?  That green?  It's all going to be green?  That green?  But, it's green.  And, beige.  And that's all?  But, I thought it was beautiful.  Still do.  It felt like a very different interpretation of the pattern at the time.  I'm not sure why I didn't enter it in a show.  I would have liked to have gotten judges' feedback on it.  

We slept under it once.  It has a wool batting and we both sweated through the night, so it's been in the top of the closet since then.  We've pulled it out to use as a bedspread and I'm not hating it in the blue room.  

Rob and I will be together 25 years this year.  Over those 25 years, he has given me multiple collections of fabric.  Lots of brightly colored pre-cuts and some yardage to go with them.  I've always wanted to use them to make a double wedding ring, so I made the freezer paper templates yesterday and cut a whole lot of 2.5" squares and started piecing arcs.  They go pretty fast once the prep work is done.  I'll be able to re-use the templates for another round. I started with 20, but lost 2 to a tragic moment of 'stoopid' and damaged some others, so I won't get the full 5-6 uses out of them all, but I will from some and I can make more.  

I was going for totally random, but I can already see that I need to pay more attention to dark/light.  I have mixed emotions about assembly line-style piecing.  Yes, it's fast and efficient, but it takes the soul out of carefully selecting and attaching each piece, one block (or arc) at a time.  I enjoyed that about making block of the month quilts.  You focus on just one block, choosing just the right fabrics and laying them out and looking at them in black and white to get the right values.  But, if I did that with all the arcs I'm going to need, we'd be together 35 years before it was done.  

I have a very nice chocolate brown fabric with little white sprigs that I planned for the background, and it would look great!  But, I'm not cutting into it yet.  When I get a few arcs made, I'll lay them out on a couple of backgrounds and see what I like the best.  Green?

No, not green.  That's the only color it cannot be.  

We came over the hilltop yesterday on the way to the grocery.  Yes, we shop very early to avoid the crowds.  We step over the stockers, but they all recognize us and are quick to get out of the way on the rare occasion I need them to.  There were eggs.  That was good to see.  Look at me digress.  Anyway, we came over the hilltop and Rob shouted 'look at the moon!'.  And goodness, but look at it hanging up there.  It looks huge!

And, then we made up a story about how the moon was crashing to earth and the election of trump was to keep us from noticing until it was too late for much anarchy.  We might watch too much sci-fi.

I don't know if you know Hazel.  I don't.  But, somebody freaking loves Hazel.  This was her birthday cake and I am deeply impressed.  Happy Birthday Hazel!!!

That's the cake I'm going to make for Easter.


Thinking of deleting my Facebook account.  I don't need more masculine energy from a small man with a bad perm.  I didn't need it when that perm was in style and I sure don't need it now.  I deleted twitter years ago.  Left Mastodon when they started over-monitoring.  Now, I'm on another app, but they need to up their monitoring for content warnings, so am iffy there.  Hopefully, I have too small a presence on the internet to attract any haters.  

Everybody have a great week!  Remember, Greenland, the gulf of America, the 51st state, these are all just distractions to keep us from seeing the crimes being committed.  Don't be distracted.  But, don't get too bogged down in it either.  We still have to live through it.  


Why did the toilet paper cross the road?  Because it was stuck to the chicken's foot.

I will not suffer these dad jokes alone.  


Suzanne said...

Come join the kind, fact-checked fun at Spoutible! It’s a great social media platform.

Anonymous said...

Ok, the dad joke was funny. Thanks for sharing. Mary