
Decisions, decisions

I know it was cold where you are, but it was cold here last week, too.  In the low 20s.  There was a lot of staying inside.  Saturday was also cold, but by yesterday, we walked the dogs in our shirtsleeves, and could likely have worn shorts.  Texas weather be crazy.  I'm still waiting to see the effect on the trees, but my garden fared well.  Things that should have died back did and some things I thought would die back didn't.  It looks rough out there right now, but this should be our last hard freeze, so nature can get started bringing back the beautiful.  (I've got to get those 3 bricks picked up.  I don't know where they came from and I don't know what's planted under them)

I spent a lot of time quilting.  Not to the sacrifice of everything else, like I used to, but still, a lot more than I have been.  As I was cutting more fabric, I noticed that the green print I am using in my joining squares has a direction.  So does the yellow, but it's much more subtle.  I hadn't really paid attention to that before.  And, I thought maybe the green should be on the horizontal and the yellow on the vertical.  

Those of you who have followed me for a while can probably tell the group what happened next.  

I took it all apart and started over.  

Not all of it.  I didn't take any arcs apart, but I did disassemble the block I had assembled and take arcs off wedges to re-orient them.  That took most of Saturday, but by Sunday, I was making progress again and now I have 9 blocks assembled.  

This is as far as I'm assembling blocks for now.  There will be several kinds of blocks needed.  Some will have another wedge added on the top or right before being assembled.  What I'm seeing online tells me  that the curve to join two rows should be an s rather than a scallop and that will take multiple kinds of blocks.  The one below that has a wedge on the bottom will be joined to one that doesn't have a wedge on the bottom so that I'll go down the left side and up the right and join to another curve that will go up on the left and then down.  

As I continue to piece, I'll get more organized, but even now, there's a ton of marking.  I thought I'd share one tip on matching the points at the ends of the wedges.  I did it wrong two weeks ago and had to take them apart and re-assemble.  Then, I did it again this weekend, so it's something I really need to remember and writing it down should help with that.  

Normally, I mark match points on the right side of the fabric and I just make a small tic mark where I want the points to match.  But, on this curve, I have to mark one piece of fabric on the front and one on the back in order to get the points to match.  And on the back, it's not just a tic mark, I'm marking the seam line where I'm going to be sewing.  If I don't do that, then every match point is off by 1/8th inch.  If I do it, then they all match in the first go.  (that feels like a miracle technique)

Now, surely I'll be able to remember that for the rest of this quilt.  

Other than that, it was a quiet week.  Dottie got a little anxious from not getting walks.  There was lots of playing with her and trying to give her the zoomies in the evening to burn off some energy before bed.  I was hyper focused at work on a project, so by the time Rob got home, I could barely hold conversation because I was so tired and out of words.  I like work when it's busy but maybe not quite so focused.  Unfortunately, by Friday, I was only up to knocking out the weekly to-do list.  I could not even look at the project.  I'm running out of ideas to solve the problem.  My only consolation is that I'm about the 5th person that's tried and no one else has been able to do it either.  

I'm watching the destruction of government compassion.  That means we will need to be the compassionate ones.  And, honestly, I am not sure I can offer compassion to those that voted for trump.  I believe there should be vote confirmation before we help others.  Maybe that makes me as bad as the orange moron and his co-president, the south african racist.  I don't really care.  I don't think I should have to help anyone that voted for this or that didn't vote.  My compassion is for people that at least tried.  People that at least care.  

I'm also having thoughts and feelings about this.  

Remember that this Friday is 02/28, the spend no money day.  I'm reading that it's mostly to affect large businesses, but that doesn't feel focused enough for me.  I'm choosing not to spend any money that day.  I'll support my local small businesses a little extra on the days before and after to make up for it.  

Be well.  Be strong.  Support one another.  And, maybe be a bigger person than me and offer compassion to everyone.  


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