When I bought my treadle machine, one of the drawers had at least a dozen small, wooden spools of thread in beautiful colors. No way was I going to throw those gems out. I'd been seeing baggies of spools in antique stores for lots of dollars. It didn't take me long to decide to display them in this old jar. But, I wanted the jar to be full, so I was planning to go ahead and spend the money and buy one of those baggies full next time I saw one. Then, when we were in a thrift store, I saw a box of empty wooden spools. I picked out a half dozen to go with my other purchases and when I was checking out, the lady mentioned that there was a whole box of them. I told her I saw them, but they weren't marked and I didn't want accidentally spend a lot of money. She said she'd sell me the whole box for fifty cents, and of course, I went and got it. I still have half that box with big spools in it. Haven't decided what to do with them yet, but I'm sure they'll show up sometime in a VTT post.
Hope you all are having a great day. I'm back at the office, with just a little coughing. Head on over to Suzanne's blog to see her pink rose items and everyone else's links. Lane
I enjoyed seeing your old spools and the vintage jar. They are hard to find, but you made a haul on these. Great post.
You know I had some of these a while back and didnt know what to do with them...sure with Id thought of this. sigh.
In the end I just had to part with them unceremoniously. dont ask...
I love to sew and quilt and to me there is something about wooden spools that makes me love them. Nice display.
Oh Lane, I didn't know they were vintage, I just thought they were old. Why did I throw all those out when the cat didn't want to play with them any more.It's just that a person can't keep everything in their home and who could know that one day they were worth something.
Love any and all vintage sewing supplies and you have shown them in such a sweet way. Happy VTT and have a wonderful weekend.
Lane, what a bargain...it is always amazing to me how sales clerks at thrift stores just give things away...great for us!!
Love how they are displayed in the jar, I love that look. Have a great day...
Have a great VTT and a wonderful weekend.
Some of those look like ones I had for junior high home ec.
I remember as a kid using larger wooden spools as knitwits. Four fine finish nails were put into the top of the spool at four corners. Then, you hooked yarn around the nails and used a crochet hook to knit a tube of yarn which came out through the hole in the center of the spool. Long tubes could be sewn into spirals for hot mats and other crafty stuff!
This is a great post! ANd I would love to find some of those spools..... :)
A deal that would be silly to pass up! That gets me in trouble alot of the time! The spools look great in that old canning jar!
Happy VTT!
Thanks Lane for your opinion on my post today. I never thought of it as bullying. I did buy that book and will have to look at it again. I was trying to find your email address on here cause I wanted to tell you something else. Could you email me please? meadow1951@yahoo.ca
Love that jar. They're something special about those old spools of thread. I have a bunch too, with silk thread on them. Great way to display them!
this is so funny. I just did the same with a bunch of my old spools, cuz the thread is no longer reliable.
I like the look.
WOW 50c for a boxful of wooden cotton reels..what a BARGAIN!!..i display mine in jars too, they look FAB!!
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