
The search...

I worked a lot this weekend.  We also did a shopping spree where I bought some shoes and some tropical fish and some specialty groceries and some Christmas presents and some kitchen tools.  Now, how's that for a variety?  I knew I had a lot of stops to make so I was in and out of every stop in a flash.  It's been several weeks since we ran errands like that, so I had a lot of them saved up.

I also finished the "fixes" on the tree quilt and I did manage to get that pucker out.  It's not perfect, but you really have to know what you're looking for to find it.  And, I made two dozen cinnamon rolls because I was in the mood for cinnamon, and I made some cold food for Thanksgiving and meals like strew and chicken korma for the rest of the week because we're going to need food that is not roast turkey.  And, I got the diamond shaped pillow blocked into a square.  The camera angle is weird, but I swear, it's almost a perfect square.  As much as I can get needlework to be anyway. 

But, the real job for this weekend was looking for a 20 year old document.  Wherever I hid it.  The last time we remember seeing it was almost 10 years ago.  And, my fabric stash has taken over my home office since then so there's been lots of shuffling.  It was dusty.  It meant digging.  And, I still haven't found what I was looking for.  But, I did fill a trash can with things that were important at one time and are not anymore, so I guess that's something, right?  Something, but not quite what I was hoping for. 

Wish me luck.  I'm still going to be digging, because I'm sure I didn't throw it away.  Surely!

We had a hard freeze while I was in Cleveland.  My poor garden.  It will look bit back until February.  It's so much nicer when the first freeze is in January and we get to enjoy the garden through the holidays.  Now, I have to get out there and start cutting it back.  It's always something, right?  Something,  but still not what I was hoping for. 

Everybody have a great week.  May your turkey be juicy and your stuffing be moist.  We are using all new recipes this year.  New variations of the classics.  I've done the same Thanksgiving for 20 years.  It's time for something different.  And, this is the year.  A different way to cook a turkey, a new stuffing recipe, with bacon and parmesan cheese.  Even a new recipe for green bean casserole and rolls.  I'm enjoying doing new things, including doing old things in new ways.  Now, if this totally bombs, I guess we're back to the same old for next year.  Because tradition is tradition, right?  And, the big meal is part of my family's tradition. 



Dot said...

Good luck with your search for your 20 year old document. Always good to clear things out a bit, a nice by product of your search.

And good luck with your all new recipes Thanksgiving dinner. You are already an adventurous cook, so my money says it will turn out well.

Anonymous said...

Send a photo of your Thanksgiving table. We’re all so thankful for many things.....including you. Happy Thanksgiving. Mary

Anonymous said...

Yes, we are thankful for you. You inspire us and tell us the tricks you have learned so we do not have to learn them for ourselves. Hope your Thanksgiving meal is just what you want it to be, as for us, we are cooking the same things we have been cooking forever. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Had our freeze last week, everything looks like we do not live here. Hurry Spring...lum

bets said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Rebecca Grace said...

Good luck with your new recipes and with finding that document! I do hope you'll show us your tropical fishies, too. ;-) Happy Thanksgiving.

Becky said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, Rob and Sydney!!

Love you bunches!