It seems like everything is either work or time in the garden or time spent with the dogs. The beagle hurt her shoulder getting off the bed and took a lot of extra attention this weekend. And, we found the time to get to the hardware store for the lumber to build the shelves in the greenhouse and while Rob cleaned up the garage so he can use his table saw, I puttered in the back yard, cleaning out this corner that had gotten way out of control. I let a couple things go to seed in there and I've been pulling them out by the roots since spring. There are utility boxes in the back corner, so I always need to keep a clear way for any repairmen to get there and have room to sit down. I harvested about a third of the sea oats because the seed heads were weighing the plants down and covering other things. The rest are starting to change color and will be cut soon. I'll never let them go to seed again...I've pulled at least a bajillion of them so far.

I bought this desert rose on half price the other day. I kept it inside for a few days to recover and it didn't like that at all and started to droop. I brought it outside and gave it a nice partly sunny spot and it perked up right away!
The Texas Red Star Hibiscus had a good week last week. This plant hasn't been getting enough water because it's on a slope, so I used broken flower pots to make a small dam and built up the soil on the inside to create a terrace that I'm hoping will hold more of the water that flows through that area. I've done that with a couple of plants that are struggling in this area of the garden.
I have tried to be really good at not buying plants and have been sticking with half price "challenges" to see if I can bring them back. Most are there because the bloom cycle is over. That was the case with this daylily. The label said "Stella" and I assumed Stella D'oro because of the short stature, but then it sent up a bloom scape and the flower was a double. It's going to bloom a couple more times and we'll see if the double bloom was a fluke.
And, I could not resist this orange echinacea that we saw at the grocery yesterday. I have a red and a yellow and now an orange in addition to two shades of pink. And, I have the perfect place to put it.
Last week at work was crazy. The company has provided us loan in help from another department. She wants to apply for a job like mine and we're trying to make her the most qualified candidate for the next opening. And, I made the mistake of agreeing to coordinate that. I'm having trouble getting my team to participate, so the loan in and I are spending a lot of time together, and we're working on some pretty high-profile tasks. Last week we completed a research project that had a surprising and not very welcome result. But, it was good for her to see that and know that sometimes a really good idea just won't work. We're starting a new project today and it will hopefully have a happier outcome.
I saw this the other day and really related to it!
I guess Bewitched wouldn't do so well in today's political environment where false-christian republicans are actually afraid of witches, even those portrayed as straight, white and christian. If there really were witches with the power of Endora, trump and desantis would be stellar dust by now.
And, wouldn't that be a blessed day.
Everybody have a great week!