
Something to celebrate

Most of last week was spent focused on the beagle, so I really don't have much to talk about.   Rob was out of town and when he got back, I had to give him some sad news, and now we're doing the whole "go out with a bang" thing, much like we did for our friend Linda a few years ago.  It's how we roll.

Here she is, waiting for boiled chicken...or bean dip, can't remember which.  Because who needs to diet, right?

In other news, the yard is looking great!  The sprinkler was running on Saturday and the yard was full of birds and Syd made a comment.  My reply was "my sprinklers are my milkshake, they bring all the birds into my yard."  

This is a bad photo, but the swamp lily is having a great year this year.  Better than any I can remember.  

And, I love this little short crape myrtle peaking out through the phlox.  

I'm not feeling the July 4 thing this year.  It's hard to celebrate America's "freedom" at a time when republican fascists are trying so hard to strip my freedoms away in the name of their false religious beliefs and to keep people from seeing the crimes they're committing and their plans to gut the country of all the wealth and put it in their pockets.  And, their stupid sheep followers are good with all of it, so long as the fascists keep telling them what poor sad victims they are.  Well, you know what, we're all victims of changing times.  "Straight white christians" are no exception.  And, the gays aren't here to eliminate the SWCs.  We're just ready for them to sit down and shut up because we universally acknowledge that they're no better than the rest of us and we're not going to do what they say anymore.  

I love this:

Everybody have a great week.  I'm going to enjoy the days off, but I won't be celebrating America's freedom until I start to feel like the full measure of that freedom applies to me again.  



Anonymous said...

agree. Agree.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I’m thinking about y’all. Sorry to hear of your dear doggy. Thanks for sharing. Mary