Men that are 40-something should not have to entertain 12 year old girls for two weeks. It is not a pretty sight. Everything was BORING! Awww, don't you feel sorry? We've baked cookies and we've watched TV. We've done crafts. She's read most of Twilight. We've shopped. We've cooked. Still feel sorry for her?
Okay, so since all that was BORING and because I have to work yesterday and today, I put her to work. She's cleaned out the fridge, scrubbing it till it sparkles. She's washed all those specialty items in the kitchen drawers that only get used once in a while. She's scrubbed the kitchen floor with a brush and scrubbed the shower. Now do you feel sorry for her?
When I ran out of chores that needed doing, I gave her essays to write about things that have been going on around here. Feel sorry for her now?
Okay, well, here's what you don't know. She got in sooooo much trouble on the last day of school that all her electronics were taken away and I was counting on them as babysitters the days I had to work from home. But, when they ask her what her parents did about it, she has something to talk about. We'll never know the full truth about what happened. I'm not sure she does. It's all about hormones and holiday stress and wierd mother stuff and not knowing how to be friends. She won't tell us what's really going on...and what 12 year old does?
And, if that wasn't enough, Aunt Flo came for her first visit last week. 'SCUSE ME! Can we go back to crayons and Barbie, please??? I'm not ready. Oh, I thought I was ready. I really did. We've had two women friends come over and talk to her and make sure we had the supplies we needed. But, I weren't ready. And, anytime anything remotely approaching sex comes up, Rob puts his fingers in his ears and starts humming. Literally. Thanks. Last night, he even said, "You know, you're the one that's going to be talking to her about all this stuff." Yeah, like that hadn't already been made clear.
That's why, as soon as I'd done my part to make a fantastic holiday, I retreated to the sewing room. It's my refuge. And, I have spent every spare moment in there. That's how I made that mariner's compass I blogged about a few days ago and this log cabin table runner. There's one more section to the runner, but I couldn't get it all in the picture. The compass is to use as a table topper and the runner is to cover the top of a low cabinet. I've started quilting the compass, but as usual, have pulled out as much as I've put in. What I thought would look good did not.

Okay, so lunch is over and I need to get back to work. The kid is doing another writing assignment. All three have been really personal essays and when she's done with this one, we're going to burn them in the fireplace. Tomorrow, I don't have to work and she and I can actually play some more. Take care and have a great Tuesday. Lane
Well....if the holiday stress was not uninvited visit from Aunt Flo was just uncalled for...uhhh.....poor Sydney...yes I feel sorry for her.....just my nature!! Be sure to keep a calendar, or have her do it, so you or she is not caught unawares next month....every 21 days should be close to be watching for another visit....I wish I had a little helper here to do the not so fun chores.....I bet your house is sparkling clean!! Have a good rest of your day and your table runners, very nice.
Aha, life with kids... teenage kids. If I ever get there, I'll know exactly what you just went through, but for now, you have my sympathies because I can only imagine :)
Luckily, Christmas is over, school starts next week and it's another year till the next Christmas vacation :)
LOL! Arent they fun? I am waiting for my 15 year old granddaughter to finish her hair so we can go to the grocery store. Love the log cabin!
Awww, now I do feel sorry for Sydney for the first Aunt Flo visit. Let's hope that PMS doesn't decide to get into the mix with the teenage hormones or you'll both be climbing the walls. I saw a good show on Oprah recently about talking to your kids about sex. Don't know if it will help, but here is the website (it has some free downloads).
Pretty table runners. Karen
Wow! A male quiltfool! From the Netherlands I lover to read American Blogs and was surprised to read your blog. Aunt Flo? In Holland we have "Opoe" (Granny) that comes to visit. I wonder who comes to visit in Australia or Russia....
I'm so glad I have sons...
There's already way too much estrogen in this house.
I feel for both of you!!
Well her behaviour and Aunt Flo would explain why she got herself into so much trouble. Try Vitamin B6 next time she starts to act out. It helps with PMS. I do feel sorry for her but it's hard to tell where nature ends and the other stuff begins.
The link won't com eup.....looks like a great site and I am very much interested in it!!
Wow! I've been away from blogland for a while, but it sounds like you've been really dealing with some stuff! Hang in there. I love the log cabin blocks, though!
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