Now, about my well planned day. I got the letter that I had to go in to the DMV to renew my license this time. Grrrr. Everyone knows that DMV is synonymous with WAIT! But, I don't wait well. So, I decided to start early in case I had to go back more than once. I picked a day when it was freezing and cloudy, hoping most people would stay home. It wasn't a Friday. I didn't go first thing in the morning, so missed the before-work rush. I didn't go at the traditional paydays. There was nothing to bring people to the DMV at all, unless they had procrastinated until the last minute and had to be there. That day was yesterday.
My planning paid off. It took 13 minutes from the time I got out of my car until I got back into my car. The chair I sat down in didn't even get warm. Whoohoo!!!
In fact, the only thing I forgot to do was bathe all my exposed skin in antibacterial hand sanitizer when I left. Crap! By the time I went to bed last night, I had a sore throat. When I got up this morning, I have sick head. You know what I mean. That wierd lightheadedness that usually preceeds a fever.
I agree. That's just too soon to start showing symptoms, right? So, I'm hoping it is just allergies. Hoping. Hoping. Hoping. I rarely get sick. But, then again, I rarely go places where I'm exposed to lots of people. And, when I do go there, I sanitize myself. It's paid off. Oh, and I'm a hand washer, too. You might have heard me humming happy birthday at a sink while briskly rubbing my soapy hands together. I try not to hum out loud, but sometimes I catch some guy looking at me out of the corner of his eye at a men's room basin and wonder if he heard "happy birthday, dear Lanie..."
I'm loading up on vitamin C and sipping hot peppermint tea with honey and a clementine squeezed into it. I have on two layers of warm clothing.
And, no. I am not a hypochondriac. Nah!
Take care and use your sanitizer. That's what it's there for.
I hope you beat the coming sickness, but don't get me started on anti-bacterial handsanitizer/soap and superbugs. I big-time against using anti-bacterial stuff outside the health profession. Most people don't use the stuff properly and just create resistant bacteria...
Your quilt is coming along nicely!
Your RollBoll is lookin good!
Stay warm. Think about something else. No time to be sick, gotta quilt. Have another tea. Stay well.
^^Hope it works. :-D
~ PattiLynn
It is not hand sanitizer that cures stuff, it is windex! (just joking)---hope you feel better soon!
Hope you feel better, Lane. I went three years without a cold but since being laid off and home, my defenses are down and I feel like I'm
"fresh meat" to every microbe out there, lol
I've had three colds in as many months, thanks in part to my little baby grandson who always has a daycare sniffle but I still can't resist kissing him.
The one time I did not use hand sanitizer after shopping, I had the stomach flu afterwards. I'm a big fan of hand sanitizer and hand washing and keeping germs to yourself.
xo -El
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