But, I have to put it away for a while and work on that baby quilt. February is getting closer and closer and I'm still 12 blocks shy of a quilt. And, 4 of those have to be drafted before they can be sewn. (I secretly love a good challenge, although I'll complain as much as the next quilter about one).
The tree guy came yesterday to look at the trees and quote some pruning. We are very pleased with the tree guy. He's very flexible and we tell him what we want and he tells us how close he can get to that without making our trees look like something from a Dr Seuss book, with odd branches left sticking out in strange places. And, we do what he says. He comes every year during the winter, which is his slow season (he calls it the season of beans and rice) but it's the best season for cutting trees back and I don't understand why nobody else around here sees that. But, it makes for good prices and quick service because we're in the "off" season.
He's going to cut a lot back. The huge old ash in our back yard has grown over my one sun-loving flower bed and while I won't enjoy the extra water it will take for the next couple of years to keep it beautiful in the heat, the beds should look fabulous for the extra time in the sun. It's a trade-off. In three years the tree will have grown back over the beds and after a couple of years struggling to get my sun loving plants to grow in shade, I'll have him back, cutting over it again.
Our tree guy is a real, grown up hippy; long hair, goatee, year round sandal wearing, surfer dude. But, he's also very involved in the neighborhood association. And, he's a good enough business man to offer a cash discount. And, we have him in every year to cut back something on our shade covered lot. We're just too old to climb trees without the right equipment and he has the right equipment. He was giving us advice about an elm tree yesterday and when I explained I could still climb that tree and cut limbs, he was absolutely understanding of my attempt to save a little money. And, he knows we take good care of our trees and I think he appreciates that.
The prices have gone up and that's starting to edge up against my new carpet budget. So, I'll need to get to carpet shopping soon, before I find something else that needs repair and takes a bite out of what I have saved for floors. We've gotta have new floors. I've used my steam cleaner to keep those old carpets going long after their expiration date (the previous owner installed the cheapest carpet he could get on a really poor pad, just to sell the house, and that was 11 years ago.) I can hardly wait, even though we're doing our own removal so we can clean the slab before they lay the new flooring and that's going to be a lot (LOT) of work.
But, it will be so worth it. Did I say I can hardly wait? It's like looking forward to cmas all over again. Good thing we're not doing anything in the sewing room. There's about as much stuff in there as the whole rest of the house; looks like a hoarder lives there, except I'm not. Well, maybe a little bit, but not all the way.
Take care and have a great day. I'm working my buns to a crisp trying to prove something everyone else says can't happen. How do I get myself into these messes? Lane
I'm here to tell you that items filling up a sewing space DO NOT qualify as items hoarded....just sayin'! At least not to my criteria...and if it IS in someone else's criteria.....they sure aren't quilters!!! Have a great day!
Becky is soooo right!! It sounds like you are getting 2011 off to a productive & rollicking start & your RRCB just rocks!!!
That quilt is going to be absolutely stunning.
Your RRCB is beautiful! I love it. The string blocks are yummy!
I like the greens you used. Looking at the picture I'm reminded of cherry vanilla ice cream. It's lovely and I'm celebrating that I've got Clue #6 finished and working on Clue #7! Yeah!
Don't climb those trees!! We have to find a new guy because our regular guy fell out of a bucket truck and broke his back. He survived but his tree pruning days are over. It seems like the trees grow SO fast! I love your quilt too-it looks like a lot of work!
I am loving your quilt as well! You know a Bonnie quilt is NOT for the faint hearted!!! Beautiful, BIG quilts with LOTS of little pieces. I know, I did one---so a big cyber hug for you! BTW---e-mail me later---I'd love to share some of my hand dyes with you this spring!
As a BIG fan of Bonnie Hunter, I am always amazed at how each quilt has a different look, even though we follow the same pattern and same color schemes. I would not change a thing on yours -- the green is perfect.
Love your quilt. Funny you talking about trimming trees, as there has been a lot of tree trimming going on here in my neighborhoo...for 3 solid days now. We are having our yearly brush/wood trash day this month and everyone is trying to get it all done. Take care..no tree climbing!
Your RRCB is looking great!
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