I was fine yesterday when I got here. Lugging that trench coat all day was kind of a pain, but I was sure glad I had it.
Then, I checked into the hotel and the room seemed colder than the outside. And, the darker it got, the colder it got. I had the thermostat set up to 82* before I realized that the side of the room with the windows was freezing and the other side was toasty warm. So, I turned down the thermo and moved my laptop to the other side of the room to finish working.
Last night, being the coldest night of our stay, we made plans to eat dinner here, at the hotel. But, the big guy in MN will only eat at chain restaurants so they called and said someone is on their way to pick you up. At this point, I had just gotten warm. I politely declined and, being a salesperson, he started to try to convince me...read that as twist my arm. So much so that I finally had to decline again and say "I'll see you tomorrow at the meeting." Gotta go. At this point, I'd already waited my dinner until almost bedtime waiting for everyone to get here, so I rushed down and had the best steak I've had in a while. Imagine. I could have passed on that to eat at Applebees. Yeah. Right.
This morning, my side of the room was still nice and comfy and the side with the windows is still forming icicles on the lampshade. The drapes just can't keep the cold out. But, if I sit on the bed and work, I'm comfy and cozy in my knitted slippers and work clothes. The dress shoes could use a little insulation, tho.
While I was down at breakfast, one of the guys that lives here came in to pick up someone else to take on a sales call. He was wearing a fleece jacket. No long coat. No insulation. No hat. A fleece similar to the one I'm wearing now, in my hotel room.
Here are the pictures outside my window. Traffic is moving very slowly, so I can only assume that what looks like wet roads are really ice. Glad I'm not driving in it.

Me? I'll stay right where I am, thank you very much. In my canvas pants, slippers, heavy t-shirt and shirt and fleece. Tonight, I will have to leave the hotel for dinner with the group. But, it is going to be 12 whole degrees warmer tonight than it was last night. Might not sound like much, but those degrees make all the difference.
You'll be glad to know that I did sew my hexes together on both flights. On the flight from Dallas to Minneapolis, I was in the middle of a bunch of cowboys. Real cowboys; hats, belt buckles the size of dinner plates, boots and tight jeans. Nobody even seemed to notice that I was sewing. Nobody looked around. Only one person mentioned it and that was a flight attendant that asked if I was making a quilt. She said that she had made one and it almost killed her. She said that twice. I guess she had a really bad experience. Poor thing.
Okay, so that's my travel update for the day. So far, so good. But, there's still a lot of day left.
Brrrr...those pix look coooldd!
Try to stay warm 'til you can get yourself back to Tx!
~ PattiLynn
Welcome to our world! But today is nice compared to how it has been so that makes me happy and it's easier to keep the house warm now that it's so much above zero! Glad you persisted in staying and having a great steak instead of going to Applebee's. Hope you have a great visit! Best, Lisa
I cannot fathom that level of cold - coming from a place where it never snows. Good luck with keeping warm.
And - way to go with the sewing! Sounds like the flight attendant did have an awful experience!
Lane, have you not looked at the photos on my blog??? What you are dealing with right now is nothing compared to what we currently have. Big couldn't get up the driveway yesterday - we had to have the UPS man help us push the care off the street! Our high today will be 23 and the low - well let's not even go there. As a Texas girl, I know the pain of cold and snow. Of course, I have live in various cities in WV for 8 years now and I think I might be a little used to it. We had 43 degrees the other day and I saw some young people out in shorts!!
Glad you turned down Applebees, yuck! A big steaks sounds very good!
Can't wait to see your sewing. Too bad about the airline hostess - she is missing out on a lot of joy by not quilting.
Look forward to hearing more of your trip and more about your sewing!
Good for you for not caving and going out when you didn't want to. I'm not so good at saying no, especially to salespeople! Too bad you don't get to travel somewhere tropical! Stay warm!
There is a reason I also live SOUTH!! Did you know I am a Minnesotan born and bred? My parents were smart enough when I was 7 to relocate us to San Jose, California. But talk to me, and you'd know...those Minnesota vowels never leave you, and when I go back to MN to visit family, Oh, do they resurface and come back with a vengance! (Oh Ja, You betcha, dontcha KNOW!)
My hubby is from Oregon. We lived many years in snow infested Idaho, but have been south for over 10 years now and there is no going back! NC gets enough ice and snow to cover all the bases of 4 seasons, just that the coldest one doesn't last as LONG as those winters up north.
FWIW---I have not spent a winter in MN since visiting my grandparents in grade school. I don't envy you the cold, and I hope you are back warm in the south SOON! It was lovely in Baton Rouge today!
Button up your overcoat! *singing*
When you live in a cold climate, your blood thickens up to help keep you warm. Your blood is thinner because it is so hot most of the time where you live. My winter coat is really just a jacket. It works because I don't go outside unless I have to, and I wear several layers underneath. The problem is keeping my feet warm. I wish I could wear my fuzzy slippers at work.
xo -El
Bundle up, Lane, that's what the locals do. You've got the right idea--don't go out if you don't have to, wear warm clothes and don't worry about "fashion," and remember that soon you'll be in the warm. OR, if you lived up here, you could embrace the cold--play hockey, go sledding, skiing, skating and snowshoeing, etc. (Why do our winter sports all start with S?) Congrats on stepping out of your comfort zone and stitched on the plane! Yea!
It's hard to live in the north and love winter, unless you can find an outdoor activity that you can enjoy like skiing or snowmobiling or snowshoeing.
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