
Tucking my shirt tail in

I could also have named this post slouching.  But, it's about the attitude of it more than the personal appearance.  My attitude led to my appearance. 

Over the last few years, I've really started to enjoy my self-worth and to let it grow and take it out to play. 

Self-worth, for me anyway, is a whole lot of little things all rolled up into how I feel.  Do I feel valued by others?  By myself?  Do I feel attractive?  That I contribute?  Like I make a difference?  Do people like me?  Do they smile at me?  Am I sending the right message about who I am? 

I had developed a really strong message about who I am.  A good message about who I want to be and who I am becoming.  But, later last year, I had a few personal setbacks and kind of took some steps backward.  It was like the difference between a sunny day, where I shined on everything around me and a cloudy day, when I just wanted to hide down in the folds of some big lumpy quilt.

Now, cloudy days are fine.  Everybody deserves a nice cloudy day once in a while.  But, what I have to watch for is too many cloudy days in a row.  Because that quickly turns into cloudy weeks and then cloudy months and then back to the same issues of low self worth that I was fighting before. 

Not.  Going.  There.

I don't know why the first thing I did was to tuck in my shirt.  And, who would have thought it would make such a difference.  I tucked in my shirt and that made me stand up straighter and that made me feel more attractive and that made me smile more and people responded. 

And, I felt better about me.  It's like that proverbial snowball rolling down a hill, but in a good way.  Once I get started, things develop their own momentum.

Everybody have a great Friday!  I'm off to the sewing machine to play with diamonds for the star quilt.  Then, I have two BOMs to make this weekend.  How do I find time to do anything except quilt?

It's a wonder.  Imagine what I could do if I didn't have to make a living.



DOnna said...

I hear you Lane! For me it's putting on nice clothes rather than sweats, wearing earrings or a scarf instead of skipping accessories! It's the little thing that add up! Whatever works! Have fun sewing!

Becky said...

You are wonderful!!!!

Keep smiling....and of course, keep stitching!!

Have a great weekend....we have 5" of snow!
Love, Becky

Mari said...

It's the little things that add up to a life! Enjoy the weekend!