And, this is the famed nutcracker. Notice, no teeth. Just a very gold jutting chin. And, it doesn't bother me at all. I had to make the hsq's to go around him on two long and one short side. That adds to the time it takes to finish the blocks, but at this point, I could assemble the left and center columns, so I'm way ahead.

And, I finished the piecing for the Indian Orange Peel. I had about 8 arcs left when we got home yesterday and I couldn't let them go unpieced, so I knocked them out. There are 120 of the small arcs, 16 diamonds, 20 large arcs, and on the right are the 4 pairs of corner pieces and on the left are the pieced 4 patches. They'll be cut into a diamond and the small arcs sewn to the sides. Can't wait to get that part started.

And, since I'm going to be gone a few days (I think), I'm leaving you this casserole so you don't get hungry. It's chile rellenos casserole and there are fresh tortillas in the breadbox. It has everything else you'll need baked right inside.

Y'all take care. Have a great week. I'll be back on Thursday and we'll see ya round the net. Lane
I'm a leaving' on a jet plane. And, I know when I'll be back again. Oh, Oh, I gotta goooooo.
Lane....you left without posting the recipe?????? Well....I never!!
Love the Christmas blocks....
I love the Christmas blocks.. very primitive style which is one of my favorites. The Nutcracker looks fine without his teeth. Your Indian Orange Peel is gorgeous! You have so much patience! Have a safe trip.
I love John Denver songs! Now I will be singing that all day! I can't believe you didn't give us the recipe for that delicious chili relleno casserole (or as we call it in MN - hotdish)! Appalled I am. However, I love catching up on all your posts and I am just biting my fingernails waiting to see your Indian Orange Peel quilt put together as it already looks fabulous. Loved reading about garage saleing and your gracious post about your neighborhood and your good life. You keep us grounded and appreciating life. Thanks, Lisa
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