Well, here they are. These are the four corners of the Indian Orange Peel quilt. Just 30 more small arcs and I'll be done with the piecing and ready to start the assembly. I know that sounds like a lot, but those small arcs go quickly. These on the other hand seemed to take forever. And, what a chore if I made a mistake because that was a long string of tiny stitches to rip out without tearing the paper foundation. At some point during the piecing, I realized that between my mentor and I, we had enough strips cut that I wouldn't need to use any fabric more than twice or at most three times. Last week, she sent home three boxes of cut strips, so I sorted through them and looked for fabrics I hadn't used yet and was able to get 32 sets of strips without duplicates. So, there will be a ton of variety in this quilt. I estimate that there are over 200 fabrics, mostly from her stash. I hate what she must have done to her stash to accomplish that, but the outcome for us both is going to be two beautiful quilts with a lot of variety. We still haven't been able to hook up for another sewing day, but hopefully we will soon. I'm about ready to start on those curved seams and hope she has some pointers for me.

Not much else going on. I'm still getting back into the swing at work. Sydney is going on a riverboat ride at summer camp. Rob is swamped with work and watching his beautiful yard get drier and drier. We're on mandatory water rationing and while we do what we can, it's hard to keep everything watered, and the price per gallon has gone up through the roof. It would be nice to get some more rain. Half my work team is gone to Cleveland for a conference, so it's quiet as church around here. I go with the other half in two weeks. (Wow, everything sounds so boring).
Y'all take care and we'll see ya' round the net. Tonight's my night in the sewing room, so maybe I'll get something else finished that i can post a picture of. Lane
Lane: Your Orange Peel quilt is going to be fantastic, I can't wait to see it. Patricia
Wow, looking awesome
Lane, I can't tell you how thrilled I am to watch this Orange Peel quilt come to life!! I am just gobsmacked by this. I'm sure you get sick of me going on and on....and on.... but I honestly think this is one of the most beautiful things I've seen in the quilt world! I'm proud to pieces to even know you and even happier to consider you a friend.
OK....I'll cut the sap and try to be more restrained on future pictures.....but I won't promise anything. I'm a gusher by nature!!!! :)
Lane, this is amazing....would you mind shooting me an email? I could not find your email on your profile and I have a question that needs an honest answer...it is about quilting...and a quilt show! Thanks...
smelkoski (at) yahoo (dot) com
32 sets of strips without duplicates? Wow... it looks so awesome so far I can't even imagine what it will look like finished. Stunning as usual I'm sure. Can't wait to see it.
It only sounds boring because it is YOUR life. To me, it is fascinating, and I can't wait for the next installment in the saga of Lane, Rob and Sydney!
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