Rob's favorite holiday is Christmas. And, he's been up to the Joys of the holiday. If you followed my blog on the old site, you know that he does a huge Christmas village...multiple time periods, multiple towns and plots and the people move around and celebrate the holidays together. Well, he's stumbled up on three village houses for just a few dollars. The cabinet, welllll, not sure what he's going to do with that yet. It could mean he's started his holiday shopping, or it could be just for him. We'll see. The wreat came from the estate sale I went to a couple weeks ago and is some plaster like stuff. But, the ceramic tree is his new pride and joy. He's been shopping on ebay for one and has come home several times, frustrated that the prices are so high and if he finds one he can afford, he can't afford the shipping on it. But, the lady was only asking a dollar for this one, but he paid her 5 and told her it was because it was worth it.

Sydney, on th eother hand is still a beanie baby collector (I hope not for much longer) and Rob bought her a basket to keep them off the floor. The belt, you can't see so good, but it's a GREAT belt and the little asian style dress, well, we'll see. She thinks it's for play, but I think it's going to fit well enough she could wear it somewhere else, too. And, it's very cute.

These are my shirts that I'm collecting to try the Kaffe Fassett pattern that Nancy Rose is making. If you look in the lower left, see the tea pot fabric? That's a bathrobe I got for a quarter. Yes, it was very hot outside when we got to that sale and the folks were already discussing the quickest way to get to Goodwill.

Okay, this is not all my stuff. Some of it is stuff that Rob bought but forgot to put in his picture. The flag and the rooster and clocks on old fashioned tin ceiling tiles. The rooster is going in the kitchen. I hope I'm not starting a trend here. There's a tin to hold quilting blocks or something and two sweaters, one is a great wool sweater and I'm hoping I can get it on Sydney this winter. She'd look great in it and it fits terrif. If not, maybe I'll take it apart and see if I can remake it for me.. I got a few serving pieces because, well, because I didn't have just what I wanted at dinner the other night when I splurged and used serving dishes (okay, so the moon was blue). And, you can't really see them, but there are 4 little Thanksgiving figurines that I just couldn't walk away without.

Okay, you've seen it all, and we've spent less than $30 on it all. Garage sale-ing in the summer can be fun. I wonder if we can afford to do it when the weather cools off?
Y'all take care. I have a ton of pics of what I've gotten done this weekend quilting. Been busy there, too Guess at some point, I'll need to pack. See ya'. Lane
I've never been one to go to garage sales. But between you and Nancy Rose, I'm getting that urge to go. I like the Christmas villages. Looks like you got some fantastic loot! Karen
What a great time you must have had. Lane, have you posted the block you are making from the shirts? I tried to click on Nancy Rose in your post, but there was not a link...just would like to see it...sounds like a great idea.
Great buys! I started the chicken/rooster bit about 15 years out! They started coming in from all over for all occassions. I now have over 400 pieces with no two alike. I love the clock.
Lots of like for that tea pot bathrobe!!! I would have arm wrestled you for it.
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