Okay, again I wandered through the house looking at things to post. There is just so much to choose from. So, I decided on my little set of kitchen tools. The mixer came first with it's bakelite handles. I've had it for about 28 years. Then, when we were first redecorating the kitchen, I stumbled up on the other matching tools at an antique shop, at a rediculously low price and I snagged them up! Rob got me the rack for Christmas one year to display them.

This old vase came from my Mother. It is from her parents house. It's pretty beat up and I don't know what it's made of. It's very light weight and the glaze has taken a beating. The story goes that it always sat next to the fireplace in my grandparent's house for them to drop matches in. My grandfather had a thing about fire, but my Mom didn't know if it was because he'd had a housefire when he was younger or what caused it. Anyway, it's gone from the floor at those previous addresses to the top of a table at my house. it's very Egyptian, though my photo doesn't do it justice.

And, these are the teacups that we painted on our vacation. No, not vintage but we're rather proud of them. See how nicely they match the teapot? Sydney's chinese characters are on the left and Rob's fall leaves are on the right. Can you guess who painted the one in the middle?

Y'all take care. I spent a family night in the sewing room messing with the computer, so no sewing room tonight. Tonight I'm going to start a new pair of socks. Finished the last pair last night while waiting on software to install. I'll try to post a pic of them tomorrow. They're going to require just the right shirt and pants.
See ya round the internet. Lane
Lane, I am drooling over your kitchen utensils. These are wonderful and they match!! Of course, red is my favorite in vintage kitchen things.
Your little vessel is really interesting, I am sure it would have lots of stories to tell if it could talk. I love things like that.
And I am most impressed with your family tea set. What a great idea, and it turned out wonderful. Each cup is different but belong together...just like families! So special.
Have a great VTT!
LOVE the teacups! They all go together so well! Great job to all of you.
Love those cups..they're wonderful, and Ohhhhh, the kitchen utensils are the very best. I love them. Happy VTT, have a lovely weekend.
I saw some of those kitchen utensils at an antique fair last week but didn't know how to display them. I never thought of a rack Duh! It would be neat if you could find out more about that vase. And the best for last. I LOVE the teapot and teacups! What a pretty set!
Lane: I love your teapot and cups, a perfect match with just a bit of personalized decoration. Each of you did a great job. Patricia
HI Lane. I love to look at what you show your vintage thingies. And I laugh and I think I threw that out many years ago it was so oldfashioned. Now people call it vintage. LOL. But we can't keep everything in our house can we.
You all did a great job on your teapot and cups. I love the way they are color coordinated on the inside, but different on the outside. Karen
I totally love the red handles tools! The "match pot" is way cool too.
Thanks for sharing.
love those red handled utensils..PERFECT!!
Love the vintage kitchen untensils!
OHHH! I love your utensils. Bakelite is so cool.
Now that is one incredible utensil set! How great that they even have Bakelite handles!
Great job on the tea cups!
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