Today, I wanted to show off some white vases I have. Of course, everything at my house has a story, so here we go. This vase was a thank you gift to my parents from my Aunt and Uncle. My Aunt Ducky (Marie) and Uncle Bill had three children, but I'm not sure how many my parent's stayed with while Duck and Bill went on vacation to Dallas. To thank my parents, they brought them back this vase as a thank-you. It's decorated with hand painted flowers and gold swirls and there are, I guess rhinestones glued to it. Many years ago, in the height of my collecting vases, my Mom gave it to me. For a long time, I wouldn't display it because I thought I'd break it. The vase is shaded glass and it is very delicate and tall (about 10 inches tall).

These next three are old milk-glass vases that I collected through the years. I love milk-glass and always watched for glass that had the slightest tinge of red when you looked through it at a light because a dealer once told me it made the piece more valuable. Don't know if that's true or not. Only the tallest vase of these three has the red tinge.

Okay, that's it for me today. Be sure to check out Suzanne's remodel at her blog and from there, link to see what other great vintage items her other followers have posted. I'll post more of the vase collection later. There are...well, more than I like to dust.
Have a great Thursday. Lane
Nice vase collection. I like milk glass too, and never knew that about the red tinge. Thanks for sharing. :)
I have a couple with a blue tinge but I've never heard about the red tinge either. The handpainted vase is really pretty.
I like white vases but I can't tell the difference between collectible ones and the common kind that florists use. I bought a white ceramic vase at a rummage sale last week. It is a good design and looks like it could be art pottery, but it still has an Ikea label on the bottom.
White is so pretty, especially grouped together... sometimes its kind of ignored at sales and too plain I guess. But its so classy and lovely! I really like how you have it there. Its so nice!
I love milkglass as well. The red thing was news to me. I'll have to go check the pieces I inherited from my mother in law to see if I have any "red" ones! Have a great day.
What a beautiful vase that your parents got from Aunt Ducky! I LOVE that name, and I bet she was a fun gal! And I'd never heard about looking for red in milk glass, but I sure will look from now on! Yours are really pretty, especially that taller one!
Happy VTT!
These are so pretty. I have a couple of pieces of milk glass with the red in them, I think I had heard that long ago. I love yours grouped together, makes quiet a statement.
Have a great weekend and a wonderful VTT!
Nice vases Lane. I have a few things my mom gave me/left to me and I'm afraid to use them in case they break. At least you display yours. I put a lot of mine away carefully wrapped so I don't even get to see them. I need to pull some of the stuff out again.
The rhinestone vase is pretty (and the flamingo plate beside it is very cute!)
Thanks for sharing. Happy VTT!
I love the three pure white ones, they look so good together like that.....
Lovely milk glass vases!
The milk glass vases are nice but the (hand)painted one is surely the showpiece!
Very pretty!
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