Suzanne recently had to replace her iron. As quilters, we know the importance of a great iron. I thought I'd show this one off to make her feel better. Imagine if this is what you had to use, sweetie!

This iron came from my Aunt Lucille's house and my Mom painted it this fantastic green. It was in her house as long as I can remember to prop doors open, even though no door ever dared swing shut on it's on in a house my Dad lived in. But, it was part of the Early American Revolution of the 70's. Somehow, I don't think today's quilting cottons would stand up too well to this.
This next pic is one I've long wanted to share with my friend Angela. Angela's son recently made his own pinewood derby car and raced it. Erin, you should have a derby coming up sometime soon, too.

Okay, so the car was carved by my Dad and he added strips of white out tape for the white stripes. The picture is me and my Dad. Look at the size of that trophy compared to the size of my head! The newpaper article was, as far as I know, the first time my name was ever in the paper. Thank goodness, it was the last time, least I think it was.
Okay, so that's it for me today. But, I'm going to take pics of some of my vintage quilts this weekend while we're cleaning. I think they could use a good airing. I also want to look into those museum boxes and tissue paper to protect them.
See you guys around. Lane
Hi Lane, thanks for sharing!
That's a great iron to look at, but I wouldn't want to have to use it.
I don't think I'd call that green fantastic, but it is amusing. It's functional too, just not for ironing.
Lane!! I love your iron....and HOW DID YOU KNOW the new iron I just purchased is green and white...almost the exact same shade of green! I was laughing so hard when I saw that....but if it is ok with you...I will be using my new great!!! Can you imagine ironing blocks with that iron??? only thing positive about it would be the weight of the darn thing......
Loved your car and the picture of you and your dad, that is a treasure!! Enjoy your cleaning weekend.....I need to do much of the same!!
Have a great weekend and a wonderful VTT!!
Wonderful post, love your green Iron!
thanks for sharing!
People go crazy for old irons. Very collectible.
You must have been very impressed by that towering trophy as it looked down on you.
Thanks for sharing I enjoyed your post .
No, would not want to iron with that....
Love the derby car and photo, that's a great memory.
Love the derby car and I love how you have it displayed with the newspaper article...I have my husband's old derby car on son made one too when he was in scouting. Thanks for sharing.
What a great memory with your derby car!! Nice looking car, too!
What a nice photo/article to display with your derby car. I can see it holds much sentimental value.
Check out my blog post today if you need something to post for Blogtoberfest.
Last year's derby car was pretty minimal. I think this year we'll do a bit more. I have one of those irons, too, just black. What a great idea to paint it! Mine holds the door in my bedroom, but as soon as my sewing room is ready for habitation, it is moving down there.
I remember those irons! When I was young we had a "cook stove" in our kitchen and those are what my mom used to do the ironing. She had 2 bases so when one got cool she switched to the other. She also had a small one that I thought at the time was a kids iron. I'm sure it wasn't but she let me play at ironing (whithout the heated base of course). Wonder what happened to them. She proably got rid of them when she got a real iron and ironing board. She never painted them though. That's cute.
Thanks for showing your Derby Car and trophy! Great memories!
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