Okay, so everything is done except the buttons and the hem. Even the buttonholes are in.

This is me making french seams then then sewing them down in a mock flat felled seam that's so much easier for me than a real flat fell

And, this is me in my muslin, which I wore all day. And, now it's in the laundry. I wanted a picture before I washed it in case it came apart in the machine.

Take care. I'll show it all buttoned up tomorrow. I'm going to sew the buttons on by machine, so this should go quick. Lane
Both shirts look great! You did a fantastic job. Custom made and not from China! I hope your success will encouraged more people to sew their own clothes. So much better fit and quality! Great picture, you look like such a happy person.
I'm proud of you, though I didn't stitch one inch on your shirt LOL.
Both, the shirt and you, look terrific.
And most shirts, or men, don't fall apart in the washing machine ;^}
Love from Amsterdam,Irene
Wow! they look great! Shirts are really difficult and you did a fantastic job. Hope it holds up well in the wash. I'm always nervous when I was something hand made for the first time.
Lane! What a great looking shirt! And the muslin looks good as well! I've made a shirt, even though it was back in the days dinosaurs walked, and I know it is not an easy job. You rock!
Nice job. Are you planning on more clothes to make or was this just an experiment?
Lane, los camisos son muy bueno! (I think camiso is the right word for shirt!)
I like the muslin almost as much as I like the "real" shirt!
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