School is closed and offices are closed and we're sat around the house, me working and them playing and cozy and warm and glad we have power. There was quite a stink about the rolling power outages the other day and there haven't been any since.
This is what the car looked like.

And, the street. People were sliding all along the icy pavement.

Bella loved it and so did Sydney. Then, Bella got cold and wanted inside. She wanted all of us inside.

We watched cars go by and saw the wheels spinning on this. But, we didn't see anyone lose control, tho we did see one idiot driving too fast that I thought was going to hit a neighbor's car.

And, now the sun's out, but the only stuff that's melted is on the streets. In a few hours, all signs of moisture will probably be gone. But, we're prepared in case there's enough water to refreeze overnight. We talked this morning and there's no reason to leave before Sunday.

Take care. Hope you are warm. And, hope you are sewing. I got to do a bit this morning and then had to log in to work. Drat it all. I would be busy and miss a snow day.
That was one monster storm. We are finally starting to warm up here. Stay safe.
Ice is the worse... and can be so deceiving when you're making decisions about what is safe to do. You're smart to stay home if you can....
My daughter just called me from Austin to let me know there was snow on the ground. I told her to make a snowman on the front lawn and she said it would be an itty bity one the size of golf balls! Hope the ice melts soon and all are safe.
Stay safe and warm. Looks like you might have got a bit more than we did in San Antonio. I just posted pictures to my blog too.
We haven't had any more power outages either. However, we are without water. Hubs thought to call the water company. Sure enough they have a recorded message, some customers have low water pressure and some have NO water pressure (that's us,UGH) They're working on it - yeah, right. Hopefully, we won't have any busted pipes here...all that mess and expense I can surely live without.
We've stayed warm. Hubs worked 1/2 day and is back home. I've mostly read quilting blogs and drank coffee. I may take a nap, hoping to dream of a sunny island with warm tropical breezes. :-D
Take care and stay safe.
~ PattiLynn
What is going on with the weather everywhere?
At least you had the novelty of a minor snow dump. Great photos too. For someone who doesnt get snow at all, ever, I can imagine what a big deal this was for Sydney too- a fun novelty.
Glad to see this post. I asked my daughter when she called me and she was out driving around today how bad it was....not at all was the reply. I was for here....Ice, Ice baby everywhere. I have been home all week....and now what little melted today, is frozen solid long until summer??? LOL
You are lucky Lane, this afternoon, we had 8-10 inches come down on top of everything that was on the ground.
Keep warm
I would rather have snow over ice! Of course, not the amounts of snow we have had. My Mom lives in El Paso, Tx. and has had ice and snow also. She was lucky and did not have any pipe damage or electric problems. Some of her friends did though! Glad to hear that you are safe and that Sydney enjoyed the snow!
Lane, Rob, Sydney and Bella having fun in the snow 2-4-2011
Love the video-- I'm surprised the neighbors didn't come out to play. Wish I could have-- the sliding part looks fun!
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