On to happier thoughts. I want to talk about my birthday haul. My Mom sent the first gift. She renewed our subscription to Nat'l Geographic. We love that magazine and Rob and Sydney will read every word in every issue. Me, I stick to the highlights, but they are glued to every copy for the first week after it arrives.
My friend Coloradolady (for me, the REAL Coloradolady) sent me this wonderful bunch of fabrics! Thanks, Suzanne! I opened the envelope and thought, how beautiful. Rob looked and found a deeper meaning (his hobby is looking for deeper meanings). The fabrics on the left are all about the passage of time. The center is based on an owl print, so I have attained the wisdom of an owl. And, the stack on the right is neutrals because time and wisdom have made me more neutral in my actions. Not sure if Suzanne meant all that, but hey, it kept Rob interested for several minutes.

Rob gave me this huge windchime. I shouldn't even show this picture because it's not clear, but the thing weighs at least 13 pounds and goes "Dong!" in the wind. It's like a buddhist monastery bell. The neighbors have one too, so when you stand between them, it's like hearing the dong in stereo.

I got a lot done over the weekend. You've seen one quick snap of the baby quilt that is waiting a binding. And, here is my February Linus quilt. I knocked out the FMQ in 2 1/2 hours. That is a record for me.

I'm getting pretty good at knocking out these random swirls and points and curves. I have a couple of tops that would benefit from this kind of loose, all over, meander quilting.

And, I finished that shirt I cut out Friday afternoon. This fabric was supposed to be my muslin. I paid $1 a yard for it. But, after I looked at it for a while, I decided I liked it, so saved it to use later. It looks much busier in this photo than it does in person. But, it's going to make a great addition to my "Hawaiian themed" shirts for this summer.

And, I put away my shirt pattern (on the right), with all it's alterations and success stories and pulled out Rob's patterns (on the left). It's time to make the man a shirt. He's picked out two fabrics, one a semi Hawaiian theme and one a vintage looking route 66 printed fabric...not a map, but stops along the highway and roadsigns. Really cute fabric...so cute that I'm afraid to cut into it. But, I know a lot more about making shirts than I did before, so I'm pretty confident that I don't need to make a muslin of his pattern. I just need to measure very well and compare him to the pattern pieces.

Pauline had suggested that I try a pattern from the Authentic Pattern Company that was based out of Dallas. They designed western wear and I finally got my hands on a pattern. That's the one you can barely see in the middle of Rob's pile. The left one is for Rob's Hawaiian shirts and the right one is so we can put a real collar on those shirts, with a collar stand, instead of the camp collar in that pattern.
And, finally, I did get started on some applique. I opened my kit and studied it and decided that it was too beautiful for me to use to learn machine applique, so I put my hex project back in it's box and started some applique for my finger work for a while. It's a 12 block kit and I'd like to think I'm ambitious enough to finish in 12 months, but hey, let's be realistic. I'll get bored with it in a month and it will go into the regular rotation of finger work projects that I pull out, work on a bit, and put down. It's just the way I am. And, it's good to accept who I am...at least it helps set reasonable expectations.
Take care and have a great Tuesday. Lane
I hope you had a great day!! Great analogy by Rob!! Hope you can work those into a quilt. I started to send all purples, since we all know it is someone's favorite color..but changed my mind. :)
You deserve to have a great day!! Love your wind chime...that is really neat!
Oh My Gosh!!! Happy Birthday Lane! It sounds like you had a nice day. You deserve it!
Sorry that Sydney decided to wear jeans. I am one of the guilty ones that said she looked grown up. Kids are funny, they want to be grown up until you say they look that way and then they want to be the opposite!
I love the muslin, it makes a nice shirt. I will be starting a muslin for a shirt I want to make Big and a dress or two I want to make for The Baby. Look forward to seeing what you make for Rob. Will you ever sew for Sydney?
Hang on to the purple dress, she'll wear it as soon as she outgrows the need to blend in and be invisible. And she'll look amazing.
I like the cowboy shirt pattern, but not the contrasting yoke as shown on the pattern front. It would look good in that route 66 fabric.
Happy Birthday Lane. I have a bell (windchime) like yours. A friend gave it to me for my 50th birthday, it reproduces the bell sound of an ocean buoy. It so heavy, it takes a lot of wind to make it go off but when it does in the middle of the night, it makes me jump out of bed, LOL.
My daughter was a lot like Sydney. If I complemented her on her outfit she'd change it--just a teenage thing. Don't mention the dress for a couple of weeks and she'll walk out of her room someday wearing it.
Hope your wonderful birthday is followed by a wonderful year.
Gail :)
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