It seems like most of our focus was on pets and work last week. Mable is still hanging in. She got a skin infection and a couple weeks ago, pinched a nerve in her back, and maybe slipped a disk. That resulted in giving her pills 8 times a day, so thinking about giving the pills and giving the pills and remembering to mark the chart to indicate I'd given the pills was...a lot. Now that she's coming off those pills, she's doing better, but she's still having trouble with her back. We're trying a little PT to see if we can get some of her stamina back.
I had to go into the office two days last week for face to face meetings. I wouldn't mind this if the meetings were about work, but they're not. Not one work thing was done. Instead, we had to "share" things about know, like we did in 3rd grade. There was show n tell and sharing family photos and everything except joining hands to sing kumbayah. Younger people today are soooo intrusive. If I wanted them to know about my personal life, I'd have told them already in private or small group conversations, like I have the people that know me well; the way I'm comfortable sharing personal info about me. So, I've come up with very creative ways to talk about myself without sharing anything personal about myself and it's working. But, it's also clear that I am not cut out for the modern workforce, so it's a good thing I'm getting close to retirement.
I got the baby quilt assembled into a top. I'm very happy with the way it came out and all that color arranging has proven to be worth it. Now I just need to pick a back and thread for quilting. Oh, and find time to sit and quilt it 😎
We've had a serious change in weather. It went from mid-80s last week to mid-50s this week with lows in the upper 30s. Wow! I'm keeping a close eye on the weather to make sure it doesn't get away from me and drop below freezing. And, I moved my very nice tomato plants into the greenhouse.
The other thing I've been focused on is taking over the bedroom and bathroom Syd was using. A LOT of cleaning has been done and the new things for the bathroom have started coming in. I've had a hard time finding bathmats, tho. The first one was because I changed my mind. I was trying to use navy blue in a room that's wallpapered with olive/beige/brown/pink rose print wallpaper that has a tiny bit of periwinkle blue in it. It's the original paper from 1978 and it's still in really good shape. When I moved here, it was one of the things I wanted to change and over the years, Rob and I have talked about taking the wallpaper off or painting or papering over it. But, now it's gotten so retro that I think we both like it and want to decorate around it. Anyway, the next mats I bought were supposed to be sage green (one of the new names for olive green) but they were seafoam and that wouldn't work. The next set were the perfect color, but were supposed to be non-slip and were definitely NOT. I've tried again. We will see. I've ordered the same color again and hopefully these will work. I promise pictures when I'm a little further along.
Well, that ended up being a short post about a week when very little interesting happened. I hope things are going well for you and that you find something to focus on when times are rough and you need a distraction. It doesn't have to be something big...just big enough to let you focus hard on it. Short term goals. My next one is on the pot of chicken soup I'm planning for dinner.
Be well!
That is a stunning quilt!
I made the mistake on Sunday of dressing for what I remembered of Saturday's weather. Nearly froze my assets off! I made sure to bundle up when I went out today, that's for sure!
Lane - I hear you about the 'over sharing' in the modern workforce. I have worked in Australia for American companies and it seems to me that there's a stronger emphasis on this kind of thing in American companies than in others. I moved from one American company to a Japanese one - and wow, what a difference! The Japanese certainly do NOT ask you to tell you all about yourself. They have a strong respect for privacy. I'm now a public servant working for the public health service and things in this workplace seem much more 'normal': if you wanna share and make best friends, go right ahead. If you're an introvert who doesn't want to join in social activities and prefers not to talk about your life outside of work, that is also perfectly okay too. Some of the extroverts find it a little bit unfriendly when team members choose to be like that but it is accepted and no one is put under particular pressure. Yay!
Sydney, Australia
(an introvert who has learned how to look like an extrovert at work when needs must)
I hear you on the intrusive 'team player' crap in the workplace. Unlike Megan, I worked (for the first time in my 40 year career) for the public service here in Australia for the last 2.5 years. My role was inbound telephony for Australia's welfare agency, dealing with more than 70 customers a week, one-on-one, through all their traumas and crises. Hard, rewarding, but taxing work that took its toll on my mental and physical health. I resigned recently as a result, but I can tell you, as I told them, the 'toxic positivity' syndrome that was rife in the Agency, almost did me in. That, coupled with endless exhortations to 'share' was very traumatic for me. I'm retired now, thank goodness, and looking forward to being an introvert that occasionally socialises, to get my health and wellbeing back on track! You stay well too Lane, and roll on retirement. I love how your latest quilt is turning out.
The kaleidoscope effect is well done. Did your neighbourhood have houses decorated for Halloween? Any kids? Thanks for sharing. Mary
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