
Feeling tremendously better.

I guess after yesterday's little tirade, I was able to get all that off my chest and move forward. Now, I have the beginning of a cmas gift list, my blood pressure has dropped, and the cold sweats seem to have passed. I think it must have been some planetary alignment thing.

Today the sun is shining, it is crisp and clear, and I got another block of the cmas quilt quilted. That's 2 1/2 so far plus most of the ditch work. Sydney is going into tutoring for math, so that's one less series of arguments for us to have. And, tomorrow Rob and I are only working half day. Now, the second half is going to be spent taking Sydney to the latest vampire/werewolf/teenlove/kiss-kiss movie starring boys that can't afford haircuts, so don't get too excited for me. But, in general, everything seems to be aligned just about right.

Guess I just needed a day to be ungrateful before I could get into the holidays. Who's going shopping on Friday??? I'm not. After tomorrow's movie, I might get some shopping time in, if I offer to take Rob someplace really special for supper, but after that, we're not leaving the house except in the event of an emergency. And, yes, our very small turkey did come out of the freezer last night. There should not be a problem being ready to cook in a couple of days. The potatoe rolls are rising in the fridge along with the copper penny carrots that are Rob's favorite vegetable and the cornbread full of onion and celery. There's a pumpkin pie in the freezer that I made a couple weeks ago. Two more small casseroles and some yams and we'll be ready to light the candles. Oops! I forgot the candles.

Y'all take care and have a wonderful Tuesday before Thanksgiving. This weekend, I'll probably post some pics of cmas decorations. Rob insists that we start putting them up on Friday after Tgiving, but I insist that we can't start until the dishes are put away (my own little way to delay the merriment and the dusting). See ya'. Lane


Coloradolady said...

Lane, I am glad you are feeling better....I read your post yesterday, on my way out the door for work, and did not get a chance to comment...I know how you feel...I have felt the same way, and thus made some major adjustments to what I DO around here...Gift list...CUT DRASTICALLY, tired of feeling like a door mat, and that I don't do enough to please....so...we will see how not enough NOTHING is this year.....its too bad it comes to that...but it has....have a great holiday....I am not sure on Shopping...I really don't want to go out at all, it is such a hassle, but I have a daughter that loves it...so we will see....take care...and have a restful holiday.

My name is Riet said...

Hi Lane. Good that you got it all of your chest. I think we all have these days that we think nobody appreciates us and why are we bothering. After the rain comes sunshine. Have a happy Thanksgiving

Vesuviusmama said...

I'd take Sydney to the movie for you if I could - give me a reason to not feel guilty about wanting to see it since I am no longer a teenage girl and should have more worldly concerns in my head. (But I can't help it - I'm on Team Jacob!) Anyway, sounds like you are feeling better and that you should have a lovely, quiet Thanksgiving weekend. Enjoy!

Becky said...

Maybe you can listen to MP3's during the movie or an audio book or something! Just maybe, though, you will at least enjoy the special effects....I hear they are pretty good. You can give me a review! Have a happy Thanksgiving!!

viridian said...

Glad to hear you are better!