This weekend, while I was out, I took a few snaps of some of the very happy green things in the back yard. This is out on the deck. We needed to get that fern out of the place it was and put it in a large pot as a temporary home. But, it loves it, so it's going to stay right there.

This is a group of pots at the deck stairs.

And, my monster mugging for the camera near the green house. Yes, that is the green house that I cleaned yesterday. After two days providing motivational speeches about middle school projects, I really needed some time away, so I sent Rob in the sewing room where the laptop is set up and I went outside.

This is why Sydney says my flwoerbeds are too green. But, if you could really see them, you'd see little red flowers and little purple flowers all around. That's enough for me.

And, this is the new bed. Most of what is here is still in pots. We leave space here for a few spring veges and fill in with beautiful flowers.
And, here is another little vignette. I get a good view of this spot from my tree swing.

And, another spot that all the rain has helped out. Those mums are going to explode in a couple of weeks.

But, this is my favorite little spot. I can't believe how huge that coleus has gotten this year. And, the mailbox is storage for a trowel, a pair of gloves, a pocket knife...just a few things that I don't want to have to walk all the way back to the greenhouse for.
While I was keeping the mojo flowing, I was quilting. And, quilting. And, quilting. I forgot how long it takes to quilt a queen sized quilt, even by machine. It's a slow slog, but eventually, I'll get there. And, knowing I can handle all that weight and do successful battle with gravity, which wants to pull the quilt and make the straight lines crooked lets me know I can hope to finish those other two queen size UFO's in the closet.
Take care and have a great Monday. After my Friday off, I'm feeling very peaceful. It was a nice feeling to walk into the office this morning and feel relaxed. I needed that. Even though there are enough emails to make me wonder whether taking a day off was the right thing to do.
Your gardens are still beautiful and green. Ours are turning that tired brown look. I've been dealing with so many vegetables that I haven't had time to do the usual cutting down that I try to keep up with. Also, it's been an unusually hot summer here - too hot to do much outside. I know you understand.
Hang in there with the quilting. It does take a long time, but it's worth it to have it finished.
Nail fungus? Really? Ewwww. Well at least it wasn't gangrene. Your garden is beautiful. I bet it's a relaxing walk. Do you get to enjoy that year round? Wow. I read on a quilting site just the other day that keeping our ironing board near our chair is a good idea so we're not jumping up and down when we're piecing. I think the jumping up and down is necessary exercise, however then she mentioned that it also helps to have it there to hold some of the weight of the quilt when you're quilting. Now that IS a good idea.
What a lovely yard, I quit gardening a couple of years ago, and seeing your photos makes me want to go back to it. I have my ironing board in the living room and go there to iron. I need the extra exercise. I take a long time to make one quilt, but then some times I just have one or two that fly out of my machine. Don't give up.
I never knew the origin of "Green Thumb." Kind of gross! Your garden is nice and green and very full. How long have you been working on it? I am envious that you have a green house! Is there room to sit in it in the winter?
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