And, this is the top, all joined together. I'll add a simple dark red border fabric and maybe I'll actually get it pin basted this weekend. I surely would love to get some quilting started on it. But, it's going to be a very busy weekend. We have a presentation on Venezuela for Spanish class, the Austin Area Quilt Guild show, and an older lady friend of Rob's is having her moving sale so she can move from her house to a small apartment. So, getting this started is kind of a low priority in the grand scheme. But, I can still hope.

Take care and have a great Thursday. Lane
My goodness, my triple irish chain quilt is smaller than your irish chain, and it's been waiting for a border for almost 2 years. This should give me enough inspiration to attack that project again after my guild's quilt show is over next week :) All I need is to decide on that border...
Nice work! And the needles, haha, we talked about that before. I admit I'd probably write on paper before pushing needles through fabric that often, *grins*
A) What a great technique, and JUST when I was wondering how on earth I was going to manage marking my own rows! Thanks for sharing your ingenuity!
B) I love this quilt. Really. I LOVE this quilt! And the deep red border will suit me just fine... : )
~ Ronda
Gorgeous quilt and ingenious marking system.
xo -E
Wow! let me say it again Wow! what a fantastic quilt Lane. Your roman numeral pin system is genuis. Well done.
I hope you don't mix up IX with XI! (Ok, call me crazy, I was going to change "mix" to "mIX" - or was it "mXI"?)
This is a much better idea than pinning sticky notes to each row!
Gosh that quilt is beautiful. So many pieces. Your work is so precise. I'm sure if I did that it'd end up looking like a wonky quilt!
That is a real pretty quilt top already and adding the red will set it off big time!
Sounds like a busy weekend.
We will have one also. I hope to sew come Monday!
Your quilt turned out great! Can't wait to see how you quilt it.
This quilt is so pretty!! Both times I have seen it I keep thinking something is being pixilated...I love the effect!
Very clever marking system!
Love that quilt
Your quilt is inspiring! I have a bagillion (5000) 1 1/2" squares that I think WANT to be in an Irish Chain quilt.
Great work and I love your green yard. We have been really dry here in Indiana. Our yard is DEAD!
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