
Lane's Project Linus Quilts

It was hard yesterday to turn in my Linus quilts. Each one, a piece of me. A memory, a technique, a practice. Rob made me this bit of a video to help me remember them. I'll show the three afghans sometime soon.

I dropped them off and looked like people we actually getting to work on their own projects. I hope these make somebody more comfortable.

Everybody take care and have a great rest of your Sunday.



Impera Magna said...

What a great idea to video your Linus quilts before sending them off to their new homes! Great video of beautiful quilts...

Elizabeth said...

Beautiful work! What a wonderful donation. And I loved that Rob went around to show the backs of the quilts. Fun video & great quilts.

xo -E

Sharon said...

How great .. They are all so wonderful and you will know for sure that some child with enjoy each one.. What a great donation to a wonderful cause.. I do cuddle quilts for the Birmingham are through Birmingham Quilt Guild.. It's like giving hugs away.. Keep up the great quilting impressive for sure..

Kathleen said...

well done, and a lovely generous gift you have made. I love Project Linus, and make a few quilts and knitted blankets for them every year!

Becky said...


Coloradolady said...

This was fantastic! Beautiful quilts in a beautiful yard!! Very Enchanting!! Great job to Rob....what a nice thought to do that!!!

Loved it!

Lynette said...

So nice of Rob to make this video for you :) (I do love "True Colors" very much)

I think the red pinwheels quiltis my favorite. Don't know if I could have let that one go.

Great work, Lane!

Michelle said...

What a labor of LOVE. The quilts and quilting are beautiful. I loved the video, and the music. You blessed a lot of children today. Bless you!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea to video the quilts. I particularly likeed seeing the quilting up close, both front and back.

regan said...

Great job on all those beautiful quilts, Lane. They will certainly be loved!

Anonymous said...

How sad, we cannot watch the quilt video here in Germny because of the attached music. It has not been licenced here it seems. Can you post it without the music? Sigrid from Bonn/Germany

Patricia said...

Beautiful! And who was that I just caught a glimpse of? It is hard sometimes to give up your work---but you know, this may become special to someone. Just think----100 years from now, they will look at one of your quilts and the person will tell the story of how that quilt got them through some really tough times, and the fact that they could hold something that someone had put so much into, made them happy! The fact that they didn't know you did not diminish the fact that it was made as a gift for them!

lw said...

I don't know what touches me more-- that you put so much work into these or that Rob would know how hard it would be to let of them...and made a terrific video, even showing the quilting on the backside. I had a hard day at work, and I feel better just knowing that you two are out there, loving each other.

Vesuviusmama said...

What an appropriate soundtrack! I love that song.