Well, after that post, I got another pair of red shoes. Remembering those shoes and getting them in the perspective of my adult life made me want another pair. I don't expect my new pair to have the same kind of life impact as the first pair, but they sure are a statement about who I am now.

So, Rob took that one step further. On his birthday, after he'd opened his presents, he pulled out these shoe key chains for us and he dubbed us "The Clan of the Red Sneakers."

His thought was that it takes courage to be part of our family; courage to deal with the court system on our guardianship, courage to face teachers and do homework, courage to go to school even when the other kids know you live with two men, courage to let unknown people take over the role of man-mom and dad, courage to learn about the stuff that's important to little girl's and then young ladies, courage to argue our way through it rather than give up and walk away.
That first pair of red shoes changed who I was. My new pair is a symbol of who I became. And our keychains are to show that I'm not alone.
Like I said on Wednesday, I think I'll keep him.
Hope you're having a wonderful Friday. I can hardly wait to start the weekend. Next week is a business trip to Cleveland (which is why I can't make your lecture, Bonnie. Hope you have a wonderful time in the capital of Texas).
Lane,you are both keepers!
Like I said the other day, I really like Rob's style!
Yay for you both Lane. I loved your post and the sneakers too. I feel the same way about my curly hair, I was always made fun of because of my hair. Now I don't give a shot and love my hair natural and free.
You brought tears to my eyes!!! My daughter (almost 16) battles to be herself and one of those battles happens to be that she likes sports and Converse shoes. Funny, I am giving her one of those keychains for her birthday! You are a neat person and I wish I knew you in real life!
Sometimes red shoes bind a family together tighter than blood. Those keychains are an awesome way for you to all remember that you have somebody on your side when you're wearing red and everyone around you is wearing white or blue tennis shoes. Thanks for sharing!
Perfect touch! Kudos to Rob for thinking of it!
Lane, Thanks for posting this . I had a huge sniffle and gulp while trying not to burst into a blubbering crying mess because this is just so beautiful.
Bravo~well said! And I think anyone would be lucky to be a part of your family.
awesome post Lane. TRUST! I know being picked on for being different...but I think I'm finally in a place to go to my 30th HS reunion. Maybe getting my own "red shoes" would help me get through it :-)
That man of yours GETS it! And I know it is different for gals, but I have 3 pair of red shoes - just love them!
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