This is the last corner in this year's holiday quilt. I have to go back and finish the first corner. I did just the outlining there and none of the background. I didn't want to make too many commitments that early; wanted to be able to make changes as I went and my skills developed. The first corner was the simplest, just undecorated christmas trees. Then, ornaments and then lights and now presents. Okay, even though they're a mass of errors, I am just tickled with how this quilt is coming out.

The clown and drum. The clown was done and he looked great. Then, I did the background filler and he disappeared in it. Too much detail. So, I took out all the little designs in his clothes and half the thread around the body and hat and put it in again. Now, he looks good. The drumsticks didn't come out good when I first put them in, so I saved them and redid them at the end to get the detail I wanted.

Baby doll and truck. I originally filler her eyes in with thread and she was freaking me and Rob out, so I pulled that and just oulined them. Better, but she's still a little freaky. I hope part of that is chalk marker and will wash out.

Train, sled and giraffe. After I took this, I filled in the window of the train with background filler. I didn't notice it until this picture. The sled as no straight lines. Maybe I'll fix that and maybe I won't. The giraffe disappears into the background like the clown did and I will likely remove some of the spots, maybe all and replace them with fewer, but larger spots.

Last night, I found a bow in the coloring book all this has come from and I'm going to repeat it all around the last border. But, not until after Thanksgiving. Or, maybe not. The kid's getting pretty good at cooking. Maybe it's time for her to "experience the joy".
Everybody take care and have a great Monday. Tonight, I'm feeding the team tuna sandwiches, all made by Sydney and with only as much supervision as was required to make sure she washed her hands and kept her surfaces clean. She said most parents just bring a loaf of bread and a package of meat and a squeeze bottle of mayo and they have to make their own. I was all about that idea until she explained that the girls don't like that. They like the parent to go to the little extra effort. Hmmpphh.
You should be teaching FM quilting, the corners are out of this world.Just gorgeous ,thanks for sharing .sclam
I'm in awe. I have no words...
Lane, Lane, Lane. Just when I think you have outdone go and raise the bar yet again! I LOVE YOUR FM QUILTING!!!! You just amaze me with your talent and I just wish I had a tiny speck of that talent. All I can say is...keep on knockin' me out!!
I can not believe how gorgeous this is...yes, I can sorry!! This is the most lovely Christmas quilt I think I have ever worthy!!! Think about that!!
You are absolutely amazing! Will you adopt me?
I'm with Hazel. Your quilting is magnificent! You should be writing books on machine quilting. SERIOUSLY. Your quilt should be entered in the BIG quilt show this year. You deserve to receive honors, my friend!
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Your quilting is beautiful!!!! If only I could (sigh)!
Yep, I agree...I need to learn that. I like your dolly...that is brilliant. FROM A COLORING BOOK!!!!! Wow.~
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