

I meant for this quilt to be finished when I showed it to you today, but it ain’t.  This little quilt started as a dollar and a half scrap bag at a quilt show.  It was leftovers from a couple blocks and I took them apart and cut them and put them back together.  And, now I’ve got it quilted and mostly bound.


If you blow up this picture, you can barely see the quilting lines.  The five circles are rope “wreath” I guess and there is grid work in the background. 


If you look close at the back, you’re going to see that some of my quilting around those wreaths has one thread and some has three threads.  That’s from tracking over a line of quilting to get from one place to another.  From now on, I’m going to work the grid work so that when I track along a line of quilting, I track over different sections so that I have a consistent two threads all over instead of the light/heavy combo I have this time.

The quilting shows up best on the back, of course.


I have been having trouble with bindings since I started trimming the quilt before attaching the binding.  I found out that I’m not sewing my seams far enough when I attach the binding.  That lets one side fold out further than the other when I hand sew it to the back and I get a point in my corner that is not a 45* angle. 

They looked fine from the side the binding is attached on, but when I flipped them over, there was a gap. 


So, this picture shows a corner I’ve fixed.  But, look at the outer dark seam line.  See how the two lines don’t intersect in the corner?  Not to mention one is curved.  That’s what I was doing on all my quilts.  If you look at the inner dark seam line, the lines meet in the corner and that corner will fold out to a perfect 45* angle. 

Evrybody have a great day.  I am changing desks at work today, so it’s all about packing and unpacking and wiping off the dust. 


But, I’ll be thinking about quilting.



lw said...

Beautiful quilting on your little quilt!

I think I'd have to watch you trim and sew on the binding to figure out what's going on there.

I wonder if you should just leave the edges on, and square the quilt up by marking the outboard edge of the quilt with chalk and then trim after the binding has been sewn on?

LuAnn said...

I've started using a walking foot to attach my bindings and it seems to help me get that corner turn a bit better even on the smaller quilts. But I still have to work to get that 45 degree angle. Your quilting is just gorgeous. I love that quilt!

Barb H said...

I found a video on YouTube by "The Crafty Gemini here


which demonstrates how to make a nice mitered corner and also how to make an invisible join in the binding. She doesn't mention it but she's using her walking foot to stitch the binding on. I do that too and use her techniques as well and usually don't have any trouble with the corners. I also have learned to use the "4H" stitch to hand sew the back and get an invisible stitch there as well. Hope this helps with your bindings in the future.