Okay so I'm not going to get to go to Bonnie Hunter's class this weekend. This is the biggest drawback of not joining the guild. I can never get in the classes they offer. Bummer! But, I'm going to persevere. This disappointment will not make me give up quilting. But, I may spend the weekend dressed in black and carrying a lighted candle in protest (not a black candle, because every quilter knows that any color will go with black). I might even walk slowly around the building where the great lady is training. Think that will make them let me in? Actually, the only place I'd probably get in that way is jail, and they don't let you use sharp objects there, so I better nix that plan. I'll spend the weekend quilting at home instead and pretending I'm in the class. Hmmm, I'm gonna need to pick up chocolate to make that feel real.
So, my family took me to a quilt show on Saturday. No pics yet as I haven't matched the pics up to the makers names in the program. But, we went into the sunken garden adjacent to the community center where the show was held and took some pictures there. Clearly I was not paying attention because there are no pictures of Rob. But, here's a great one of the kid...happy and mugging for the camera.

And, here are some new pics of my quilt in progress. Someone asked if I really meant that it took 30 minutes to quilt a 3 inch square. Sometimes it does. These sections did. On the left are the swirling bananas (which I finally got to swirl) and on the right is escargot.
I'm about 3/4 through with this quilting. I have several more patterns picked out from Leah's site to try. And, I've done some more Diane-shiko from Diane Gaudynski to fill in another corner. It's been fun, but I certainly don't want to quilt every quilt this heavily. This is a small piece and it seems like I've been working on it much longer than I really have. I spilled coffee on it the other day (much swearing was heard). When I took it to the sink to rinse it, the water just beaded up on top of the dense quilting. It was funny to look at, but I worried that it was going to smell like coffee until it was finished. I finally got it to soak in and all the stain and smell rinsed away. And, it's a good thing.
Take care and have a great day. I'll be thinking of quilting. Lane
Hi Lane,
Great photos of you and your daughter. I think you look thinner now than in your profile photo. Your free motion quilt designs are fantastic.
Okay. Now I am officially seriously BUMMED!!! :c((
Lane, I love reading your blog, and I was really looking forward to meeting you.....
Can you make the lecture? Can you show up just for lunch during a class? I'll make sure they don't arrest you. :c)
I think we need just a photo op, don't you? ;c)
Lane, You and your daughter look like you are having a great time. The sun and flowers look so inviting!
Can't wait to see the photos of the quilt show.
Wow-your quilting is great and your daughter is beautiful! thanks for sharing!
I loved all the pictures today! Your daughter is beautiful! And I love the quilting you're working on. And head to the LQS for a little retail therapy this weekend. Maybe that will take the sting out.
What beautiful quilting, but the kid and her dad is more impressive to me!! Sydney is just adorable...and what a great back drop for pictures....have a great day!
Firstly, your daughter gets more beautiful every time you post a picture.
Secondly, the "I might even walk slowly around the building where the great lady is training" will probably get you arrested for stalking.
Thirdly, anyone who swears is an instant friend of mine.
Syd is so pretty! She is growing up to become a beautiful young lady. Thanks for sharing the photos Lane, chin up with the guild thing - your quilting looks awesome! Sam xox
Lane, Sydney is becoming a beautiful young lady, such nice photo's.
Great quilting,
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