So, here's the three piles from Saturday morning when I did the refolding. This pile is just refolds. These were the simple ones.

And, these are the quilts to launder. I found a stain on one and another was just dusty and there's another one buried under there, and it was just time for it to be washed. This is a really good time to go over quilts and look for spots, stains, wear and dust. I also have two quilts at the bottom of this pile that need repairs. Haven't quite gotten to that yet, but I'm about to spread one out and look for the rip.

And, these are the small quilts that are part of the rotation of wallhangings. Some came down over the weekend and others went up. I have enough that I can pretty much get a new look whenever I want it.

And, final count? 38 bound quilts. Yes, I am excessive. It's like my own museum collection. There are 8 vintage quilts, 5 of my own bedsize quilts, and the rest are wallhangings. And, I have 11 WIPs. Geez. And, enough fabric that I could quilt the rest of my life. And, it all takes maintenance. It's a good thing that it's an easy collection to maintain.
Okay, so that was our weekend. My favorite purchase was a travel iron that will look great with my featherweight. I'll show it off soon.
Take care and have a great Monday. I've got the day off and now I need to decide what to do with it. Lane
Alas, I am neither Team Jacob or Team Edward, I'm more of a Team Harry Potter. I read the Twilight series, saw the first movie with my granddaughter, and haven't been able to make myself go to any others, though my daughter said Eclipse wasn't bad. I did see the last Airbender, which has a lot of odd problems because they didn't upgrade the cartoon script for live action.
38-- Does this count the gifts and ones in use?
You're going to have to build a room onto your house and have your own quilt museum room so you can admire all those beautiful quilts. Twilight is really not my sort of series. My sister-in-law is 59 and loves all 3 episodes/books. Then again she's a Stephen King fan so I guess whatever floats your boat. I did watch TV and movies with my kids though cause I wanted to know what they were watching. If I had one Sydney's age I'd be at that movie too.
"(Okay, is it just because I'm old, or does one of those boys need a haircut and the other one need a shirt?)"
Absolute classic.
"Anyway, the pain was happy...well, a little too happy, so I let her know that unless she wanted to do some dishes, maybe she shouldn't call me stupid anymore and things were really good after that" Two zingers in one post ...I need you to come to my place to sort my pain out !
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