This morning, I powered through the last of them. Now, just pressing and cutting off the dog ear. But, I have to get on to something else.

Today, I'm changing my stash storage and doing some sorting and dividing. I love the days I get to play with my stash!! But, lately, it's gotten overwhelming and I have some stash busting plans.
So, let's go dig in!
Busy day ahead!!! Have fun!
WOW! I LOVE your pile of beauties. I am just starting the sewing of mine. I do have more than the 600 cut. I starched the red and pink together with the iron then did the cutting. They stay together better that way. Love your pinks!
whoops meant the red and neutrals......
Lane, You have been busy.
I must have missed something, why 600 hst? You getting ready for a mystery or something? Wow, I was just complaining to myself over the 65 I had to sew this week. I almost have the blocks done for the quilt top I am working on and then I can quilt it. Yea Good luck with the stash busting.
Congrats on getting all those hst's done, Lane. I haven't even started yet but I think I'm going to take a tip from Lori at Humble Quilts and use the paper method or "thangles I can't wait to see the "big reveal".
Gail :)
Merry Christmas, Lane...I enjoy your blog so much!
And I am only at 275 or so on my way to 600... so congrats to you.
Wow! that's a lot of HST' anxious to see what you do w/them.
I'm taking part in a swap next year with friends. I have a pile of 150 blocks that is not quite half way. I am in awe of the 600 hst
I'm sure that your quilt will be well worth it. I loved your neutral blocks too.
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