So, when the border seam on the end where Sydney flops let loose and needed to be repaired, I figured that while I had the treadle set up to do that, I may as well give that old girl a go and see if she would free motion quilt.
Guess what. She did.

I only quilted the borders and I guess that technically, it's embroidery because there is only the one layer of fabric. But, nonetheless, these leaves really added something to the edges of the quilt.

I used my regular, short shank, free motion foot and I needed my supreme slider to get her to slide over the machine bed that isn't slick and shiny anymore, and especially over the wooden machine surround of her cabinet top.

And, I sat and treadled and moved this quilt for about four and a half hours, until it was done. It's back on the sofa now and the treadle is put away. But, somehow, I'm thinking that treadle might get called on for this some more. It was fun. Oh, it's not the high quality work I'd expect from my Bernina, but it was plenty good for a denim throw quilt.
Rob got some footage of me working on it and we'll post it to youtube as soon as he is feeling better. Of course, he's got what Sydney gave me and despite my best efforts, I must have given it to him. Poor thing. He slipped up behind me and was filming me without me knowing, so he's got to edit out what I said when I realized he was back there with the camera. It was sort of a surprise and I wasn't very "genteel".
So, he's sick and the rest of us are in full swing preparation for his Mother to get here on Wednesday for a week long visit. We love it when his Mom comes to visit. She is the easiest houseguest I have ever had and probably the most gracious and grateful person I know. She's from the country. Raised a half dozen kids on a farm while her husband drove a truck. She knows what it's like to stretch a bag of beans across a bunch of hungry mouths and what it's like to drive herself to the hospital while in labor. I think that hardship either makes a person or breaks them and it has made her into a fine and gentle soul whose health is compromised by those years of making do.
And, while we don't actually have to clean the house for her...she'd be just as comfortable if it was the way we live in it...it sure is nice to offer her all the comfort we can for a week. She gets treated like a queen and barely has to crook her finger to have three willing servants to satisfy her every need.
The only drawback is that I have to turn over the sewing room to Sydney. Her alternate suggestion? Give Topsy our bed.
Okay, so I can do hand piecing for a week to keep my big soft bed.
OH, Lane! It's beautiful!!! You have a great week with your family.
You just never cease to amaze me with your creative talent!!! It is beautiful!
On another note, I have been thinking about my favorite quilt this past week....what could I do to entice you to get that thing done?????!!!! It's gonna be a masterpiece, and I wanna see it before I croak!!
Your quilting skills always astound me. Just to be able to sit down and let that come out--WOW!! Impressed
Beautiful work!! Please tell Rob to leave the film as is...not editing out!! That is what real life really is after all!!!
Enjoy your visit next week! I am sure it is a treat for her visiting you all!!
Hi Lane,
Your Jenny makes excellent fmq stitches. The leaves and loop d loos are lovely. Did you serge the seams on the backside?
I still have that stack of holey jeans . . . I was just going to give them all away, but every time I see this quilt of yours, I change my mind. I LOVE the bit of embroidery you added in the border. It is beautiful!
xo -E
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