

Wow!  That's my forty four.  They've all be pressed and then dampened and pinned down to size.  The smaller the pieces, the more important that seems to be.  If I'm understanding what happens here, when I sew all those seams in, the tension of the thread causes the block to pull inward.  When I dampen that cotton thread, it lets me stretch it out a little and I can get that extra eighth or sixteenth...or sometimes a quarter inch that I need to get the block to size.

Next, they need to be trimmed and squared.  Some have corners that are just the slightest bit too big.  Then, four strips to go around the triple feathered star.

Everybody have a great Saturday.  I've been hunched over pinning these down for so long that now, I need to go do something else.  Something that requires stretching.

See ya'.  Lane


Mari said...

Wow! Looks like they are worth the work! Enjoy the weekend!

lw said...

The different reds make the stars scintillate. Cool!

Megan said...

Congratulations on maintaining your high standards and on getting these done.

Sydney, Australia

Carla said...

Impressive. I'm not sure I'm patient enough to get 44 of those done Correctly.
Can't wait to see the final outcome.