This is a post I'd planned for a while back. I love oil lamps. My Mom does, too, I think. She used to have a few, although I can't swear that I saw them last time I was there. Anyway, I grew up with a love of them. I keep them full of non-smoking oil and keep the wicks trimmed so that whenever I need one, it's ready for me.
This trio is on top of the book case in my sewing room. The one in the back right was a housewarming gift from a dear family friend when I bought my first house. She sent it with my Mom when they came for their first visit. I love all the cut glass and all those refraction points mean that a very small flame puts out a whole lot of light.
The one in the back left is the first one I bought for myself. A good sturdy and functional lamp. No frills. I like the horizontal lines on it. they give a good solid grip when I need to carry the lamp.
The smaller one in front is one I picked up in an antique store not long ago. I don't know how old it is and it doesn't matter. It just appeals to me. It would be very light and easy to carry around.

Now this is the most recent one I acquired. It's been electrified and therefore serves a legitimate purpose, providing a low light in the dining room. This one belonged to my next door neighbor's parents and we got it at the sale when they downsized and moved. I love it and have my brass cleaner and protectant spray all ready to clean it up...maybe after the holidays, which have sneaked up on me?

Take care and have a great VTT. Lane
Lane, these are super nice. I loved the blue one and the electric one is so neat. I can see why you like these. Happy VTT!
Living in a log house in rural WV means oil lamps are a MUST! We have several and was so thankful a few years back when we were without power for over 3 days in a snowstorm. I loved every minute of it. I know.....I ain't right! lol
Oooh I love your aqua colored one. My family goes to Maine every summer and we stay in a cabin with no electricity, so we actually get good use out of all the oil lamps that are deposited around in each room. They DO give a very soothing glow, don't they? Happy VTT!
I grew up using oil lamps. They just were not as pretty as yours.
Your lamps are all very nice, yet there is a lot of variety.
What a fun post, I love the different styles!
Happy VTT,
I love your oil lamps too. You have a very varied and lovely collection. I spy some cute paper weights as well. At least oil lamps are useful.
Hugs, Jeanne
Love your lamps!Yes they are functional but I just love them period. I too have quite the collection, also in every room. I have some from the country auction that are just pretty glass bases. Do we have to have 'reasons' for others to understand our 'collections'..?? NO!
I think one of your first Way Back Wednesdays was about the clocks.
I also love oil lamps and we use them when the electricity goes out-which it does here on the prairie often~ So much history in them and they make you feel like you're living in the past!
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