
size matters

Yes, I did just name a blog post that.

And, no, it’s not always true.

But, today, it is.

The medicine chest from yesterday’s post is full size.  I appreciate that you guys think I can create in miniature at this level of detail already.  We all know me.  I’ll get there.  But, for now, no, I couldn’t do this.


So, let’s give it some perspective in my messy sewing room.  (yes, that is all miniatures junk on my sewing machine, keeping me from any piecing.)


And, why are those things inside?


On top, in the lidded jars, are the accessories for my Ken Moore sewing machine.  Handy, without being in the way.  In the blue glass are pencils, markers, and a toothbrush for helping me clean under sewing machines, where that lint really builds up and I need a longer reach.  Assorted oils and lubricants, another small green jar with my wooden iron and more pencils and a screwdriver.  A flashlight for when the room lighting is just not enough, which is frequently in my sewing room.  All my light is task light, so getting it pulled into a totally different configuration to see under a sewing machine is a pain.  Better to have a flashlight handy.  A pig pin cushion with basting needles and the pill bottle is for “bad” pins.  Not pins that are misbehaving, but pins that have gone bad; bent, broken, dull, burred.  There’s a hole drilled in the top and the bad ones go through that and if I ever fill a bottle, I’ll exchange the lid with a new bottle (because pill bottles and old people just go together) and the bad pins can be disposed of without fear that they will tear through a trashbag, because if there is a pin on the floor, I may step on it 212 times without knowing, but if Rob walks anywhere close, it will jump into him and I will feel bad.

I’ve gotta find a picture for that frame on top.  Which one of my favorite people should go there?  And do I have a tiny picture of them?

It’s hard to fit today’s world into my antiques.

Be well.  Have a great day.  My work group is having a team lunch and I’m looking forward to it.  I’ve been at my desk, with my headset on, busting it to try to work on three important projects at the same time.  On Monday I do this and on Tuesday I do that and on Wednesday…well, you get it.  But, it’s the best I can do to balance working on a project and thinking about what the next step should be.

One is for a big muckety-muck in corporate.  Unfortunately, his is getting the most time and I’m working for him every afternoon.

Hey, never pass up an opportunity to be noticed for something good.  Lord knows there’s enough people glad to see the bad.



Becky said...

Well, it is much handier full sized isn't it! It is a great place to store those kind of things!

Mary said...

Well I sure was fooled. And yes I believe you can do something like make a miniature medicine chest. Infinite belief in your creativity.