
A shout out and the newest mini-pic

Once in a while, I see something new; something I haven’t seen before.  Something beautiful that my followers also need to see. 

This link will take you to Kate, the Quilting Professors blog.  Kate also took a class with Sally Collins and reached out when I was thinking about my design style.  She included a link to her blog and I got her permission to link you to it. 

Read yesterday’s post, for sure.  Look at what she is doing with a vintage linen.  And, be sure to click on the tab at the top for Quilting with Vintage Linens and Laces.  I love what she is doing with those vintage beauties, like the ones I’ve collected over the years, and never known quite what to do with. 

Okay, so after you’ve soaked up the vintage linens she works with, look beyond that at the quilting.  Especially the background quilting.  You know that made my heart purr. 

Kate, your work is beautiful.  Thanks so much for letting me share it with my friends. 

Our snow day was pitiful.  There were a lot of accidents on highways early in the morning, but just some ice, no snow.  The city shut down and asked people to stay off the road and they cancelled everything school related.  So, with nothing to do, I moved out into the next borders on the mini challenge.


Everybody have a great Monday.  Tonight, I will need to represent myself for my class that I’m teaching in May.  I’ll have my class samples and the supply list with me.  Wish me self confidence!

Stay warm.  Today, it’s in the 40’s.  Tomorrow, in the 70’s.  And if that wasn’t quick change enough, on Wednesday, in the 30’s.

I just hung up 12 jackets and coats, pulled out because of the variable weather.  I left two layers out and I’m just going to wear them in varying combinations until spring.  I’m bored with everything else.

See ya!  Lane


lw said...

What's interesting is how the small size differences in the original center add to the beauty of the piece now that it's more complete.

Also odd that you should add Kate's link two days after I bought an embroidered linen round tablecloth at an antique store because it didn't cost much and was stained. The stains came out easily with oxyclean and I love what Kate did with her linens-- nice syncronicity!

Barb H said...

Thanks for sharing Kate's blog--I love it! Her quilting is the kind I tend to drool over!

Lakegaldonna said...

Love how your piece is progressing Lane. It's fascinating to watch your building of it.

Thanks also for sharing Kate's blog. I clicked to follow her blog. She does some amazing work.