The Stash!

There's stash stacked in front of stash and behind stash and above stash and there are two huge boxes of it in the garage. Now, to my credit, this is not all my shopping. I made the mistake of telling people I was going to make quilts for Project Linus and suddenly, I became the beneficiary of their stash leftovers. And, I mentioned to my mentor that I might like to make some heavy picnic quilts to sell and she sent tubs of denim and upholstery fabric. So, now I only talk about quilting to people who can't say: "I have some (insert fabric type here) and would love to share it. Would you like a little?" because everyone's definition of a little is different.
Okay, well, it's back at work for me. And, back at homework for us all tonight. Sydney had a little grade stumble last week, so we're back to reading and summarizing tonight. Joy of joys! How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice. And, that's how you learn to read and summarize, too.
Take care and have a great Monday. Lane
I know what you mean about the stash growing w/o buying it all. You know that has happened to me too! I have started to use up another closet and also I store fabric in old suitcases and they look nice as decor around the house so no one knows exactly how much fabric I have! We did a ton of homework yesterday too - the wonders of corn, an acrostic poem and summarizing a book and this is only 4th grade! Have a great day! Lisa
Hmmmm.....I'm not traveling in the right circles! I would love to benefit from someone's stash!! No, I take that back. I was needing some 30's fabric and a few friends sent me some leftovers....which I delightfully used! Quilters are the best friends ever! We understand each other's "addiction" to fabric!!
I'm with Becky. Quilters are among the most sharingest people you could ever meet. Of course the fact that we don't want to see even the tiniest scraps wasted doesn't help - thus "selvage quilts" *LOL* Guess you better either get busy and sew or, heaven forbid, find other quilters to load some of it off onto... I mean share it with. Summarizing is sooo hard. I'm working on my Mythology stuff, which isn't for marks, just for interest. But I have to do an essay on this one myth that is pages long so I've spent days so far trying to summarize the thing. It's hard to know what to focus on and what can be left out.
YOU ARE A pack rat!
I laughed pretty hard when I read this. My stash is currently under control, but when we take down the spare bed in the living room (which is a twin mattress on top of 7 plastic bins of fabric, and I have to fit it into my teensy sewing more control.
My stash is about 1/4 the size of yours (I try only to buy if I have a specific project in mind) and I was just beginning to think it was out of control (lol). Where does it all come from?
I would love to visit your stash! I read earlier in one of your posts that Syd likes cooking? Do you think she would be interested in some 'Aussie' recipes? Send me an email with your address and I will post her some :-)Sam xoxoxox
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