This is the sewing side of the room. As you can see, there are too many machines right now. I'm trying to think of a way to arrange them where I can accomodate them all. I'm thinking an arrangement in the middle of the room is best where I can put all four cabinets and use either one whenever I want. Underneath that quilt is the custom cabinet that Rob built me to hold my Bernina 930. In front of the window is a large dropleaf table that I had planned to use to support large quilts, but then I put sewing machines in front of it, which meant I never had to unfold it.
The dollhouse is my version of a mid-life crisis corvette. Seemed like such a good idea when I was collecting, and now I can't even reach it to play.
This end of the room is for quilt storage and my home office. And, it's all about entertainment with the aquarium and the tv. Yes, that is a sewing machine on the floor. There are a couple of them on the floor over there. I would really like to get them up.
When I was growing up, it was considered hillbilly to have a television on top of your broken console tv. Is it the same if you stack a sewing machine on top of a machine in a cabinet? I sure hope not because that's the only way I'm ever going to get all my machines off the floor and up so I can use them.

And, this is the fingerwork and mending area. Love my antique sofa. It belonged to my paternal grandmother's best friend. Of course, you can't see it because of the two hand quilting projects and the pile of mending sitting on top of it. But, I promise it is comfy and a great place to sit and sew.
So, that's a look at my sewing room pre-cleaning. I hope to get in there this weekend and clean. It got into this shape because of vacation...and if you believe that, I've got a bridge for sale. It looks like this more than it looks cleaned up. But, I wish for a clean and organized place where I don't feel the need to keep everything that has ever passed through my hand. One day. Hey, a guy's gotta dream, right? But, in the meantime, it only takes a few feet for me to maneuver my chair in so I can sew. And, it's not a public room for entertaining. It's my own private place where I can go and put my feet up and enjoy myself. And, even crowded and packed full of junk, it is always that safe place to go and get away from it all.
Take care and have a great day. See ya' round the web. Lane
Compared to my sewing space your's is already clean....I ascribe to the "path for the chair" method as well!
What a great sewing room/man-cave you have Lane! I love the antique couch, oak quilt storage cupboard, aquarium and the lamps for sewing. What kind of fish do you have? I think your man-cave should be full of treasures and projects that bring you joy. I was hoping you would show off your fabric stash as well. As usual your quilts are simply gorgeous!
If it is any consolation, my craft emporium expanded to include half the basement rumpus room for ironing, cutting and sewing machines. There is also fabric stored in my grownup daughter's closet.
It's Friday..have a super duper weekend!
I love the color of your walls! And all the finished projects hanging in there. And like I said in my post earlier this week, everyone needs a space that is all their own, that they can clean or not depending on their whims. Have a wonderful weekend!
I love the wall color, too, and think it is pretty clean, as well. It doesn't look like a very big room--mine is about 9'x11' (but I'm saved with a walk in closet for storage) and also contains a twin bed which is always covered with works in progress, magazines, misc fabric to be put away, etc. Thanks for sharing the photos!
looks good to should see what was my brief sewing room, after my daughter moved back home, however briefly.... yours looks perfect to me!
I made the very same quilt for my daughter (the one with the houses---rectangle log cabins). I love that quilt and keep saying I am going to make it again! Love your room----I took our formal dining room and turned it into my sewing "studio". At first I had oodles of room, now I feel like a sardine---but it is still my room. I think I will do as you and post some pictures.
My 8 by 10 sewing room needs cleaning really badly right now. Yours is really clean by comparison. I have a creative mess going on. I'm in the middle of FMQ a twin sized quilt, and then got interrupted with a vintage baby doll exactly like the one I had when I was a little kid, and I'm halfway through doll clothes and a doll quilt. And the ironing and mending is in there...
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