I finished two more blocks on the batik $5 quilt this morning. Had some time to kill and some anxiety to work through. Anyway, they're still damp from me spritzing out the blue marker.
I'm not going into these with any plan. I finish a block and then decide what to do in the next block. And, this is what I came up with for this one. Sorry about the glare, but it's hard to get the stitching to show up without the light being in the right spot.

So, now it's back to the rest of my day...it's a family business day. I have a pile of paperwork to take to the kid's school and she has a dentist's appt. And, on and on we go in parenthood.
Really, I'd be much happier if I spent the day quilting.
Take care and have a great Thursday. Oh, and I did pack the coffeepot. The big one. In for a penny, in for a pound. Right? But, otherwise, I've kept my luggage to a minimum. I think I'm a stress packer. The more time I spend packing, the less time I have to be anxious.
This afternoon, the house sitter moves in. It's great to know people in apartments that are willing to take care of your cats in exchange for the big TV, 300 channels, privacy and the big flowering yard. I'd have done it in a heartbeat when I lived in an apt. In fact, I did, more than once.
I love, love, love the colors on the first block. Your quilting is really beautiful. How long does it take you to quilt one of those blocks? You are really getting good!
Hope you have a wonderful vacation.
The quilting and the colors are really gorgeous.
Remember the Marx brother movie where the cop is lecturing Harpo about not getting into trouble stealing and when he shakes Harpo's hand, silverware starts to rain out of his trench coat sleeve-- and he keeps shaking and the last thing out is a coffee pot?
Have fun!
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