
Teach a girl to find a job

I'm hoping I can bring some humor to a subject that I'm sure most people have faced, or will. 

If you still have this to look forward to...I'm so sorry.

My girl does not want a job.  What she wants to do is sit around my house all summer in the air conditioning, eating bon-bons, if she knew what those were, and cold cereal.

But, she can't. 

So, we asked her where she wanted to work.  And, she picked a couple of prime places, places where she would be competing against adults with work experience. 

Okay.  Those will be great practice before applying at a fast food place.

So, we start the application process.  And, if you've ever been around a teenager, then you know they know everything and don't need help with anything, ever, because adults are stupid and don't know anything about the real world, and only they have any idea of how to do anything, especially anything that requires a computer... or thinking.

I actually caught myself saying last night, "if you'd just realize for 5 minutes that you are all of 17 years old and that you don't know everything and that we CAN help you."

I may as well have spit into a fan.

But, it does seem to calm her when I call her on her attitude, tell her, very calmly that it's not working on me, I'm not getting mad with her, and then show her what she's doing wrong, which mostly involves reading the error messages that she's getting when she enters incorrect information and doing something about it, other than repeatedly hitting the enter key, hoping for a different result.

We had to teach her about a resume, and a cover letter and how to answer a survey.

Last night, when I told her to put in one of her cover letters that she wanted to work in the photography department, but understood that she had no work experience and she was willing to take other jobs, while she developed those skills and made herself qualified for the job she wanted, she said that was begging.

Okay, you're 17, you have no work experience, you have a bad attitude and you are a procrastinator... beg like your life depended on it, honey!

She's finally getting through the first two applications, after three nights of working on them.  I just kept reminding myself that it's the long haul, not the short race.  Teach her to find a job now, and maybe I won't need to help after her first boss fires her for refusing to wash dishes, or scrub toilets, or any of the other things she's told me she's not going to do over the last 9 years.

Y'all said it, I keep repeating it.  Parenthood; the best job you'll ever hate.

Find farewell to Sir Christopher Lee. You scared the be-jeezus out of me. Thank you. Rest peacefully. Unlike in your movies.



Piece by Piece said...

I feel your pain, been there done that. But, having said that...all three of my children did have a part time jobs while they were in high school, and grant you, it was a lot easier to get a job 30 or so years ago.
Bragging here.........My 17 year old grand daughter, has had a part time job in the deli dept. of a grocery store for the past year and a half. Getting marks over 90% in all her subjects, teaches and goes to Tae Kwon Do classes twice a week. During the month of July will be taking her grade 12 English course on the net, to get a head start on next year. Very motivated, however, I worry that she is doing too much.

Parenting does get easier ..............in about 10 years.

lw said...

Odd how kids know everything at 17, and sometime between that frustrating innocent arrogance and their 22nd birthday, suddenly they start to call you every five minutes with questions about everything from checking accounts to insurance and/or medical symptoms and "what's this sound my car is making?" and you become the center of the knowledge base for the universe.

I didn't realize that Christopher Lee had passed away. He was in a lot of movies I enjoyed, especially the old Hammer horror movies they ran on Saturday afternoon TV when I was a kid. God rest his soul.

FabricandFlowers said...

Hang in there. Work ethic is the hardest thing to teach. Keep in mind that sticking to your guns today means she won't be living with you when she is 30.

Anonymous said...

When I was 16 (the earliest age for legally working in that state) my mother said get in the car and bring your purse. She drove to a place and said that there is a job in there, go get it. I went in and applied for a job I had no idea what it was. Then she wanted to collect my paycheck which amounted to 11 dollars a week. Tell Sydney she is really lucky in her choice of parents.

Becky said...

Both of my kids had a horrible teenage job at one time or another. I felt so bad for them. But, they learned valuable life lessons that I never could have taught them. I am so thankful for those jobs.

Anonymous said...

Lucky child! You are not only there you are present in her life urging her on and being her slave driver, cheering section, guru, and "Mother". Takes a lot longer to achieve adulthood without all that.

Barb H said...

Went through this with 3 kids. Two were fine, the other, not so much. I explained to each of them when they were hired for their first job that this was a contract between them and the employer. They were expected to show up on time, stay throughout their shift, do the tasks assigned and in return, the employer would give them a paycheck. Seemed to work--none of the 3 have ever been fired and they are in their late 20's and 30's now.
Having that first job is a big growing up step--maybe Syd is afraid to take the step and needs lots of encouragement--"You can do it" messages. Regardless, I'm sure you'll not supply her with bonbons throughout the summer. Good luck to both of you.

The Joyful Quilter said...

OMG! Going through this with DS1 right now. Apparently, he's hoping that ANOTHER job will fall into his lap like it did a couple of years ago. THEY called HIM to ask if he wanted a job!! I just keep hoping...

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Tanit-Isis said...

Oh, best of luck to you both! I do wish my parents had pushed me a little harder (or at all) to get a job when I was a teenager, and given my some support for it, too. My oldest will be fifteen this summer and would actually like a part time job, but she has to prove she can keep up with school---which has mostly been the case, so I'm hopeful---but I'm also apprehensive. No more than she is, though. :)

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